Kat 2

What, if any, cultural challenges do you face as a heritage language learner?

I: do you find that you have any special cultural challenges uh as a heritage language learner

K: um the only thing that I kinda have a problem with is that (.) um (2) since I’m like I grew up a Christian Arab (.) that I kinda have a problem with because so many things are like all Islam Islam Islam and I’m like well that’s not it’s not all of us you know what I mean that it can- and it kinda reflects because just some of the sayings like in our book are all about Allah and I’m like ok I mean like it’s just God that’s fine but I don’t believe in the prophet and like they have in the, all these different words for prophet and I’m like (.) that’s not what I believe in you know but what are you gonna do about it that kind of thing and another thing that I have a problem with is the whole Israel Palestine issue because it (.) like people say things like oh well (.) I know my best friend when she was in class um like the first day they were like, where, what Arab countries have you traveled to and she’s like Palestine and somebody is like that’s not really a country she’s like yeah it is u:m so that kinda thing just those kinds of issues just political kinda things

I: huh

K: that kinda weird cuz I see it a little bit differently

Reflections – Do you feel that religious or socio-political discussions are appropriate in the language classroom? Why or why not? Would your students likely agree or disagree?

Kat 3

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