Li Ting

Describe the students in your Korean 3 class. Do you feel that the teacher distinguishes between domestic and heritage language learners?


I: Um, so tell me a little bit about, the, the students in your class, um, is there a um, a mix of domestic and heritage or is it primarily one or the other do you think?

LT: Yeah, there’s a mix, domestic and heritage

I: And how do you um, perceive the interactions between the groups of students to be?

LT: (2) um (6) um,

I: Do you perceive, u:m, any differences between the groups? Or are there more similarities?

LT: (2) I think there are more similarities (2) cause even though some of them are heritage they grew up here and they use English a lot, and um not much different from the domestic students

I: Not much different

LT: Yeah

I: And in terms of how the teacher teaches, do you think she makes a distinction between heritage and domestic?

LT: No

I: So, you’re all pretty similar then in terms of, of language learners

LT: Yeah

I: And do you feel, because I:: I’m assuming you’ve been together now for, this is your second semester with them, um, (2) do you feel, more familiar with the, with the students than say as last semester, are there differences between last semester and this semester

LT: Yeah, I do feel more familiar

I: And does that help learning, or does that make no difference

LT: Um, yeah, I think that helps me

I: How so?

LT: Cause um you’re more, you’re more able to speak up, then do better in Korean class, since you know more people,

I: Maybe you don’t feel so inhibited, I guess, right?

LT: Yeah

I: Yeah, Yeah, h::m, do you think that, so you think that that familiarity helps you learning Korean

LT: Yeah

Reflections – Compare the student impressions of if the teacher uses distinct instructional practices for domestic versus heritage language learners (Casey 1, Sara 1, Eric 2, and Li-Ting). What is your reaction? Do you find that you have different expectations for domestic learner performance than for heritage learner performance? Do you feel students should be held to the same standards for a specific course level? If not, what strategies do you use to assess individual student progress? Is there a relationship between a student’s perception of fairness and their learning investment in the class?

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