This I Believe Script

Growing up in a large family as I did, I had plenty of people to influence my lifestyle such as my three siblings, 27 aunts and uncles, and 40 first cousins. At the peak of this influence was, and still is, my grandfather. He taught me countless lessons on the importance of faith, hard work, and most importantly family. With him there was always a story to be told, a joke to be made, and a lesson to be learned. It wasn’t until after his passing that I realized the true importance of what he had been telling me my entire life.

In December of 2013, my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer. Watching the strongest man I knew struggle with such a terrible illness was very hard for my family and I. Throughout the holiday season, he was in and out of the hospital. Even with the pain he felt, he always carried the best attitude, cracking jokes with the nurses and, always showing off the big picture of his family. His family made him prouder than anything else in life, and he instilled that in all of us.

His health took a rapid decline in the spring of 2014. As Holy Week approached he was released home on hospice care. My numerous family members made it a priority to make it home for this Easter, for they knew it was the last one with their father and grandfather. Aunts and Uncles flew in from as far as California and Texas. Cousins left college to come home.

They came not only to support my grandpap in his losing battle, but to support each other. As we all gathered to see him for his final moments it was difficult to remain strong as there were countless tears shed by everyone. It was during this time that I realized why my grandpap had preached about the importance of family his whole life. When one family member was overcome with grief, they were immediately consoled by those around them. We all comforted each other.

On Easter Sunday, I awoke to the news that he had passed early that morning. For my family and I, the hardest part was over. He was not suffering anymore and I had no doubt he went to heaven. My grandpap left behind the greatest legacy one could, a wonderful family.

Thus, I believe in the power of family. My family is my backbone. No matter what happens in life, when the dust settles, they will always be standing by ready to help. When one family member is struggling, everyone rushes to pick them up. My family has shaped me into the man I am today and I would be lost without them. No matter how far my life takes me, I know my family will always be close.

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