RCL #5 Analysis of Advocacy Site

Organization: The Flat Earth Society

The organization I chose is the Flat Earth Society, which consists of people who believe the earth is flat rather than a spherical shape. This may sound like a parody, (and some members join as a joke) but most affiliates of the origination truly believe that the Earth is flat and they try to advocate others to believe them. A few years ago, the Flat Earth Society opened up for Donations to help fund an expedition to prove their cause. They were to hire a crew and a cartographer to make a map and travel to the “ice rim”. The ice rim is what they believe to be the edge of the flat Earth and traveling there will prove their cause. To my knowledge, this expedition has not happened yet.

IFERS Portrayal of Flat Earth

The first and most obvious logical problem with this organization is the overwhelming amount of evidence that the Earth is a spherical shape and rotates around the sun. Since the launch of Sputnik, the first satellite in 1957, humans have vastly explored space, orbited around the Earth, and taken pictures of it as visual proof. There are also numerous accounts of circumnavigation around the globe which farther prove its spherical shape. Still, the Flat Earth Society rejects this evidence calling it “the greatest lie ever told” without providing a direct counter-argument, undermining the logic in their appeals.

Photograph of Earth from Apollo 17

Another logical issue lies within the evidence provided on their website that they use as “proof” that the Earth is flat. Without even reading any of the publications, you can see that they were all published in the 19th and 20th centuries, the earliest book in 1989. Most of these were published by unknown individuals before the irrefutable visual evidence came from space exploration. They have all since been debunked by exploration, science, and mathematics alike.

The last issue with the Flat Earth Society is a question of ethos. The heads of the organization, the president, vice-president, and secretary all have no background in astronomy, physics, or any field relating to knowledge of the shape of Earth. With no experience in these areas within the leaders of the organization, I see no credibility within the entire Flat Earth Society. The wording of the website overall is very non-technical with some typos, further undermining the credibility of the organization.

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