Speech Outline

Intro.+ Thesis

Stand up and shout out! This phrase located on the cover of Joan Steindinger’s book has molded into a movement to address gender inequalities in sports. What does it take for one’s voice to be heard? Well, this contemporary image provided by Steidinger, has answered this question. This compelling image has done a phenomenal job of framing the civic as vocal and engaged. Standing up and shouting out has turned the act of speaking up into an opportunity to be influential. His illustration does this by using various rhetorical elements. Through an analysis of Steidinger’s work, it has become evident that with proper utilization of these elements, they can can be used to strengthen one another to grasp the attention of the intended audience.

Introduce slides: (Explain in detail where each of these element are used specifically)

  • Diagram showing each elements relevance

  • Visual Rhetoric/Style
  • Rhetorical Situation
  • Commonplaces
  • Ethos


As seen through steidinger’s work rhetorical elements can be used to strengthen each other if utilized correctly. Steidinger created this bold image to generate reactions through his use of these elements. These elements together create an underlying meaning that through analysis can be discovered. Now it’s your turn to be bold, take this interpretation and reevaluate your previous one.





  1. After listening to your speech I really liked your thesis statement and introductory stage. The thesis statement is extremely solid and clear for me as a viewer, and I believe it sets the tone extremely well for the rest of the commentary. As something to work on for next time are the formatting of the slides. In some, the red background combined with the images made it slightly hard to follow the slides.

  2. In your speech, you presented yourself as confident with clear articulation and bold language, which immediately captured my attention. Unfortunately, I think there were issues with the video so it was hard to watch your physical presentation of the speech. There were clear shifts throughout, though, in terms of the colors used in your slides and transition phrases to create a nice flow that helped me follow along. Some of the pictures and text in the slight were a little blurry and hard to read, which at times made me pay more attention to the slides than the speech itself. However, I liked the way you made a connection with the audience in the conclusion by contextualizing the piece to demand action.

  3. I could tell in your speech that you knew what you were talking about and it was shown through how strong your argument and use of presentation was. I think the use of pictures and background was very bold and next time a softer background would be nicer, but that is not a big deal. Your argument throughout the speech was very strong and I did not have trouble following the speech at any moment. Good job!

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