Month: November 2021

My First Ever Snowboarding Trip

This week I want to talk about my first ever snowboarding trip. In 2014, my family and I took at trip to our friends cabin which is located right next to Blue Mountain, in Pa where the ski resort is. My family has never been too into snowboarding as much as skiing, but I wanted try it. It turns out that I’m a better snowboarding than skier! I think this is due to my wakeboarding and surfing experience because I picked up on balancing the snowboard very quickly. At first, I was nervous to try it because I thought I would just wipeout, but I picked an easier trail and it actually went pretty swiftly. My instructor was very nice as well which made the experience a lot better.

Personally, I’m not a fan of cold weather so if I’m going to be out in the snow I have to be skiing or snowboarding to keep myself occupied. Not only did we snowboard on this trip, but we also did snow tubing which everyone got to do together and it was so much fun. We usually went snow tubing at night and snowboarding and skiing during the day.

My favorite thing about this mini vacation with our friends was waking up at the cabin with a beautiful porch sunrise view. No, I don’t like the cold, but I do like the look of snow. Playing games and watching movies with everyone was also a lot of fun. At night we had fires and drank hot chocolate. The only bad thing that happened during the entire trip was when we let one of the dogs outside and he came back in and it turns out that he got sprayed by a skunk! We had to get the stench off of him which was not fun, but it happens.

Since this trip, I have been snowboarding and skiing with my friends a few times, but this winter I hope to get back into it and take a weekend long trip. It is a fun and relaxing getaway. Now all we need is the snow to do it!

Thanks for listening! Have you ever been snowboarding, snow tubing, or skiing?


RCL- Reflection on my TED Talk

Hello everyone :)! Reflecting on my TED Talk, overall I am pleased with how it turned out. Some things I did struggle with were shortening it to make it not so long and memorizing it was difficult as well. After I got over these two challenges, I really enjoyed making it. I like the topic I picked and I think it is relevant to the topic of this unit. I am also getting over a cold, so I’m surprised that I could speak that long without having to stop for a water break in-between, which happened in many of my mess-up videos. When finalizing my TED Talk, I did redo some of my slides thanks to feedback from my group because I realized that they were a little complicated and that I didn’t need as many as I had. Overall, I think my performance went well!

RCL- TED Talk Slides



Van Life Dream

This week I thought I would mix it up and talk about my idea of a perfect traveling experience. One of my favorite crossfitters that I follow, Claire Thomas, has taken on her dream of living in a van and traveling the world. I’ve lived vicariously through her instagram posts about this dream life for the last year and half now, and I would love to try it! She has been all around the world and has gotten to experience so many cool places. Her favorite place she visited is Hawaii, and her and her husband who she is traveling with loved it so much that they have decided to stay for awhile. I think it is so cool that they just got to pick up and leave and then stay put wherever they felt most at home. Living the van life would definitely be a huge adjustment because it is so small. I am a very outdoorsy person, so I think I could adapt to it pretty easily.

There are a lot of pros and cons to living the van life. Some pros include that it is overall cheaper than owning a house or paying rent in any of the places that they’re traveling. Another is that their home gets to come with them everywhere! Some cons include not having your own bathroom and just the size of the van overall, but this is something to get used to. On her trip to Hawaii, Claire had her van shipped there by a fairy. This could also get to be a little pricy but still no where near the price of a house in Hawaii.

If I tried the van life, I would explore as much of the world as I could. I would also have to have a flexible job that allowed me to work on the road. My first destination would definitely be to Hawaii. Everything about Claire’s trip there seems amazing to me and its always been my dream to visit there. Something that she said is different from just staying on resorts or in Airbnbs is that you are truly immersing yourself into the land of the place your traveling. She says that 95% of their time in new places is spent outside of the van exploring. Since the van is mobile they also get to park is basically anywhere they want, which is also nice.

I hope that I get to try the van life someday and that it is as worthwhile as it seems to be.

Here is a link for a tour of Claire’s van, enjoy!


Also just a side note: Today is my dog Gary’s birthday!! 🥳 He would be the best travel buddy!

-Nevaya Warfel