RCL- Outline Draft


There are millions of children who have been tossed around by the United States’ foster care system. Tossed around incles being moved into various homes, being assigned multiple different social workers, and for some, even having your name changed. Children in foster care are binded into the horrific faults of the system. They need people to fight for them since they cannot fight for themselves. Most foster children travel from home to home with very little connections following them. They need a lifeline to keep them going, but millions of children are missing this and it’s leading them down the wrong path. Giving these kids counseling and other resources that will act as an outlet for them to keep in touch with who they are could change their lives.


Thesis: Work in progress…


Metal health of children in foster care

  • What current resources do they have
    • How does it vary between states
  • Where is the money going?
  • Metal health after going through the system
  • Up to 80 percent of children in foster care have significant mental health issues, compared to approximately 18-22 percent of the general population.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics, Healthy Foster Care American Initiative, identifies mental and behavioral health as the “greatest unmet heath need for children and teens in foster care.”
  • Human development studies.


What could be done/organizations that are trying to help


  • Maybe focus on how the laws are established on a state level, but it should be federally mandated that the children receive counseling and help if they need it.
  • Including regular check ins.
  • Current programs


What is being done now?

  • Former foster care children who are out of the system are now speaking up about their traumatic experiences.
    • The system is too big for them to come at it directly, they have to start smaller with individual laws within their state that affected them and could potentially be changed.
    • State laws vary
  • Foster Care story example.
  • They need a lifeline.
  • We are debating someones life


  1. 1. Since there isn’t really a thesis yet, it’s hard to say if the structure matches, but I don’t think it will be hard to match the structure to a thesis.
    2. Again, since it’s just an outline, it’s hard to say with the topic sentences, but I think that if you almost make the headers into topic sentences then it will be easy to match them to a thesis that I assume will pull from each section.
    3. I could maybe switch the section of what is being done now and what should be done. That way you can say what is already happening and whether that is effective or not. Then you can come in with your own suggestions based off of that.
    4. I would make a pie chart or graph with stats of kids with mental illness in foster care and another one with how often they switch homes on average.

  2. 1. It’s hard to determine if the structure matches since you don’t have a thesis But I think it will be too hard to come up with a working thesis.
    2. I think your outline is a good start, of course, our just missing the thesis and topic sentence.
    3. The layout is pretty good, obviously, you would probably need to have a more precise argument.
    4 I think a video, showing the stories and experiences, and also incorporating data, etc within the video.

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