The Return of the MACC

Hey guys! Welcome back to my CrossFit Blog… I can’t believe this will be our last time blogging! This semester went by so quickly! Anyways, today I’m going to tell you about the competition I had last weekend, the MACC (Mid-Atlantic CrossFit Classic)! This competition is between different colleges that all come together to complete a series of individual workouts and then a team workout. The colleges that competed were:

  • Penn State
  • Navy
  • Army
  • Cincinnati
  • West Chester
  • Pitt

The workouts combined were challenging this semester, but it was a great experience! We have a MACC every semester and the different colleges take turns hosting it. This was Penn State’s first time hosting and it was a blast! I was happy to have everyone come here and I got to meet a ton of new people. The competition starts with the individual workouts that are judged in Rx Female, Rx Male, Scaled female, and scaled male divisions. For reference, Rx means you’re doing the weights that CrossFit prescribes, and it is the hardest division. The competition ran in heats so that you got about an hour of rest between your workouts. During the workouts, everyone was assigned a judge to make sure the reps and time was calculated correctly.

There were 3 Individual workouts that included:

(Rx Female division’s weights)

Workout #1:

2 Rounds for Time:

10 Thrusters (65lbs)

12 Bar-facing Burpees

then… add weight and do

2 Rounds for time:

10 Thrusters

12 Bar-facing Burpees

~10 Min. Time Cap~

Workout #2:

30 Toes to Bar

1200m Row


Max Snatches (95lbs)

~10 Min. Time Cap~

Workout #3:

4 Rounds for time:

200m run

1 Round of “DT”

(12 Deadlifts, 9 Hang Cleans, 6 Push Jerks) (105lbs)

~10 Min. Time Cap~

I was happy with how I competed in the individual workouts. They were challenging and gave me an idea of stuff to work on. I can’t wait for next year!

Team Workout:

Pretty much a Murph, but way harder…

1 Mile Run

71 Handstand Push-ups

140 Pistol Squats

210 Pull-ups

1 Mile Run

~50 Min Time Cap~

The team workout happens at the end of the competition and this is where we all battle for the golden keg which is the trophy. We pick our top 3 best female athletes and top 3 best male. I got to compete with Penn State and it was fun but the workout was very challenging. Navy got to take home the keg which was disappointing, but it give PSU a reason to work harder until next year. Unfortunately the pictures from the MACC have not been uploaded yet, but here is one from last semester.

Have a good summer, its been real!



  1. This is so cool! I’ve loved getting to read your blogs. I can tell how much you love crossfit, and it’s really impressive your dedication to it! This competition seems so cool. It’s awesome that Penn State got to host it this year! Good luck in crossfit in the future and great job on your posts!!

  2. As someone who barely understood what Cross-Fit was at the start of the semester, it’s been really fun following your journey! Who knew that Cross-Fit was so organized and had official sanctioned tournaments? Not me. It’s really cool that they have a competition like this, and congrats for doing well!

  3. Good work with the competition and all that! Crossfit seems so very intense, and your passion for it matches that intensity.

  4. It’s so cool that Penn State got to host this semester! I’ve loved reading about your CrossFit and your coaching journey because you truly seem so passionate about both of them. Wishing you lots of luck next year!

  5. WOW, this sounds intense?! I didn’t know that there is MACC every semester and the different colleges take turns hosting it, so that was interesting. Wishing you the best of luck on your Cross Fit Journey!

  6. You have taught me so much this semester. In the fall, I would watch the CrossFit club run by me during my frisbee practice, but I had no clue how interesting and intense it was. Although it stinks that you didn’t win the keg, it’s AMAZING that you got to compete as a freshman. By the time you are a senior, you will be unstoppable!

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