Nittany Lion CrossFit Classic

Hello everyone! It has been a very exciting week for me because this past weekend Penn State CrossFit Club hosted the Nittany Lion CrossFit Classic which is an in-house competition. It was a partner competition and my partner and I took second place! For freshman, we surprised everyone with how well we did, but I wasn’t surprised because of all of the hard work we put in everyday. We competed in the top (hardest female) division which is called Rx.

The competition was an all day event and these were the workouts:

Event 1

10 Rounds for time (With a 15 min. time cap):

Partner 1:

9 Thrusters (65lbs) + 35 Double Unders

Partner 2:

200m Run

We finished in 14:20

***Basically how this event worked was the two partners were working at the same time, meaning that while P1 was doing the 9 thrusters and double unders, P2 was doing the 200m run. Splitting up the 10 rounds, each person did 5 rounds each.

Here is a video that explains the workout better:


Event 2:

Max Load for…

3 Front Squats and 3 Over head squats

I did the front squat and my partner did the 3 overhead squats.

I provided a video of my lift, which unfortunately cut off the first part when I cleaned the bar, but you can hear the energy in the gym which is my favorite part.

I front squatted 145lbs and my partner over head squatted 125lbs.


Event 3:

1 Round each for time (5 min. time cap)- P1 works while P2 rests till they’re done, then they go.

20 Cal. Echo Bike + 22 Dumbbell Snatches (35 lbs).

***We killed this workout by finishing it in 3:40. This “floater” workout is meant to tire you out which it did, but it was worth it because we did really well.


Event 4:

1 Round For time (12 min. cap)

30 Synchro Toes to Bar

1000m row (Partners split the amount)

30 Synchro Burpees

1000m Row

30 Synchro Pull-ups

***This workout was the hardest for me because my hands ripped from being on the bar for so long during the toes to bar. My partner is a competitive gymnast too, so she did well in this one.The problem is that the reps have to be synchro so if you don’t perform them at the same time, then it’s a no rep and not counted. No one in our division finished this workout or even got to the pull ups. Us, along with everyone else made it to the last row, but not to the pull-ups.

Basically, the team that finishes with the highest score wins. They base this score off of first place wins and overall standings.

Long story short… the Classic was super fun. Here are some extra pictures!

Next week we are hosting another competition called the MACC (Mid-Atlantic Crossfit Classic). The winner of this competition gets to claim and keep the Golden Keg until the next MACC!



  1. Congrats on getting second! That competition sounded absolutely intense but totally fun. I really like the energy of your blog post. Makes me want to go workout!

  2. This is really cool! Congrats on second place, that’s awesome! I can tell how much you really love Crossfit by the way you write and the pictures you include. See them inspires me to go to the gym more!

  3. Congrats on placing second that’s an amazing accomplishment! I really enjoy reading your post because it shows how passionate and dedicated you are. Congrats again and Keep up the good Work!

  4. Congrats on second place- I hope you’re so proud of yourself! You obviously love this, and it’s great how you’re able to get that across in your writing. I cant wait to hear how you do at your next competition, and I adore the picture of the dog!!

  5. Congratulations on the win and good luck next week!

    Also, I think that this is a really interesting format for competition. I’m not completely sure if I like it or not, but it does seem like a good way to add parity by pairing people up.

  6. I absolutely loved this post, especially the photos. Your facial expressions show us how passionate you are about CrossFit, and I think that’s awesome. Congratulations on your 2nd place finish- that is a serious accomplishment! I always enjoy reading your blogs because they are so unique and have so much emotion.

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