~ Global Scoop #1: Freedom to Reign Supreme ~

As many of us are well aware, society is becoming much more global, connected, and therefore influenced by other cultures and ways of life. This is due, in part, to technology, immigration and travel, and an increased curiosity globally about how others choose to live, how governments choose to operate, and how effective these strategies are. In my civic issues blog, I would like to focus on global relationships. To do so, each post, I will be grouping similar countries together and discussing their political, social, and economic structures, analyzing what’s working and what could be improved. As these blog posts are fairly short, I’ll try to make my snapshots as accurate and thorough as possible, though I’ll undoubtedly miss a few important things along the way, and that’s ok. Here is an interesting article about the pros and cons of globalization.

Today, I feel it is only fair to begin with the land of the free, home of the brave, The United States of America. I would never dream of complaining about having the privilege to grow up here, however, like anywhere else, we have our downfalls. First, let’s discuss the positive things; our government is democratic and we theoretically get a say in who leads us. Although this system may not be perfect and it favors individuals with money who can give the best deceptive sale’s pitch, we make do. Our economic system favors paving your own way, capitalism, freedom to own property, freedom to create and distribute (unless it’s dangerous obviously) and the ability for the poorest of the poor to rise up the ranks if given the right opportunities (which isn’t always the case).

In the U.S. there are minimal threats of violence unless you live in select areas, are a specific group of people (prejudice still exists) or happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gun violence is on the rise, due in part to the media’s constant portrayal of these events, which may plant ideas in other’s heads. The media itself is often biased and pushing an agenda, although on the surface it may seem to be objective and informative.

Geographically where you grow up in the U.S. plays a role in your value system. There are more conservative, home grown, traditional people, and more liberal, open-minded, free-spirited people, and much of that depends on where your values lie and whether you were exposed to those different from you when you were young. The constitution emphasizes freedom and individuality and therefore differing opinions are encouraged, which in theory seems amazing, but it also means as a nation, we aren’t often on the same page when it comes to important decisions.

Therefore, it can take a lot to make a monumental change. Peaceful protests from citizens call for reform that is slow to be implemented. The ability for a group of regular people to gain the attention of government officials without force is extremely positive, but whether or not our government listens to us has arguably more to do with what benefits them and what is easiest to accomplish than what is best for the citizens.

In addition, criticisms of wealthy countries with freedom and privilege, especially the United States, claim that the majority of citizens are tone-deaf to the struggles of other nations, entitled, greedy, or even stuck-up. We live in our little bubble, visit other places as if they were exotic and foreign when it benefits us, and then leave. We dabble in foreign affairs, but our goal is often to “fix” other countries, not to assist them. Unless, of course, it benefits us in a mutual trade. Here is a link to an article about what individuals from other countries think of when they hear “America.” 

We are hesitant to invite others into our bubble, we want to remain safe and secure in our own ways even if it means turning innocent, desperate, impoverished people away. We are America and we are free to reign supreme. Some other countries are resentful and hostile, and who could blame them. Here is a link to U.S. immigration trends from 2013-2017 based on the census conducted during that time. The trends highlighted on this website point to a more diverse community at home that is already steadily growing, and it would serve us well to stay informed.

I myself am guilty of some of these faults. I think they should change, but like many of us, I’m not sure how to go about such sensitive and gigantic issues alone. My singular opinion does nothing but sound the alarm. Through this journey analyzing our world objectively, I hope to open my eyes to the bigger picture, and I hope if you come along with me, we can accomplish this monumental task together. Thanks so much for reading, until next time (:

~ Let’s Get it Started in Here: New Year, New Me? ~

Hello everyone, I’m back again (: Since I don’t know who will be reading this blogpost, I’ll give a little synopsis of my formatting. It’s very simple, very informal, and normally consists of a short recap of a certain portion of my life along with an embedded message of some kind. I try to be inspirational, but sometimes, if it’s a hard week, I won’t shy away from honesty. Luckily, this week, even though school is picking up again, I’m feeling optimistic.

The New Year has me thinking about a lot of things, one of which has been to start working out again. I haven’t been as on top of this since high school and organized sports (I did track and basketball) and I find it much harder to strike up motivation when I’m not part of a group. However, my friend and I have started going to free PSU workout classes in the White Building and that’s been nice. We do HIIT which stands for high intensity interval training, or a bunch of short spurts of different exercises with very short breaks, for 45 mins straight. It can be pretty intense, and I’m always sweating afterwards, but it gets the job done.

For me, anything that brings awareness to my body or forces me to engage and interact with the real world instead of starring at a screen (I know it’s cliche, but bear with me) forces me to examine my relationship with myself. And to be honest, it can be painful to do that. It’s much easier to get caught up in the white noise buzzing around you, news headlines, other people’s drama, an interesting Netflix show or Youtube series. I distract myself from myself 24/7 because it’s easier. Therefore, I’m left feeling cold, empty, isolated, confused, or all of the above.

My New Year’s Resolution was to workout more, as many people’s tends to be, but I don’t think it was ever about body image as much as it was about self- awareness. As a creative person, I want to be inspired, to have spunk and passion and a zest for life, and I remember a time when I had much more of that and was churning out my own creative content almost every day. Now, that same inspirational spark is on a hiatus, and has been for longer than I would like.

Anyone who makes any form of art can attest to this, if you lose your sense of self, your direction, your vision, you lose everything. Nothing makes sense to you as the creator and it is evident to the reader. If you try to force yourself to sit down and write a poem, it comes out as incoherent rambling (and some of you may be thinking, “like you’re doing now?” I rest my case).

There’s a silver lining to this, I promise. Now that I have identified that I need to focus on myself more, my direction in life, and what I want, I am free to redefine myself in 2020 and throughout this new semester. It may seem like a simple revelation, but I want this to be a launching point for something bigger than myself. Don’t know what that is yet, but I’ll get back to you on that (:

I want to leave you with a very short poem I wrote a few years ago. It isn’t my best work by any means, but it’s relevant to the topic at hand. I intend to start incorporating my poetry into these posts, since it is a cornerstone of who I am and a reflection of myself, which I am still trying to find. Here it is:

I’ll Fly

Nine to five

Makes me wish

I wasn’t alive

Early mornings

Crush my spirit

My best work is at night


String me out

And suck my creativity dry

But leave it be

Set me free

And I promise you

I’ll fly


You may be thinking, “did you really just create an entire post about how you don’t know what to write about?” And the answer, my friend, is yes, I absolutely did. As always, thank you so much to whoever took the time to read this (: Hope you have a fantastic rest of your day, and see ya soon.