~ Soul Searching: Things are Getting Real ~

We’re almost a month into school, and time has flown in my opinion. I have already taken my first Statistics exam (which went well by the way, but I anticipate the class getting much harder) and I have three, count em, three, exams next week. Psychology, Criminology, and another Statistics exam. I expect to be working hard in this class too, I’m excited about the topic of stem cell research and designer babies, because I can genuinely see the argument from both angles and I’m not exactly sure what I even believe, so I’m excited to research further and see what our team comes up with.

My brother and I from quite a few years back

School aside, everything has been pretty chill at home. My brother’s birthday was February 2nd and I ordered him a birthday present from Vineyard Vines, but of course, they sent me the wrong thing so I had to call and get it corrected. The correct package should be arriving soon. On top of this, my brother recently gave his senior speech to the entire school at assembly. It’s a reigning tradition at St. Joseph’s Catholic Academy, where the total student body is about 200 students, for each of the around 40 seniors to give an 8-1o min speech about their time there and their future plans. It’s a big deal, nerve racking to say the least, and no one wants to mess it up. I’m proud of him for doing so well, and I’m also proud that we went to the Waffle Shop afterwards, lol. Instead of a birthday gift, Tyler (that’s his name) always asks to take a trip to King of Prussia Mall with the family, and I’ve already taken off work at Wegmans that day to make sure I can go with everyone on the 16th. He’s an adult now, so I told him he has to be more responsible, but we’ll see how that goes.

Nicolo (Nico) Thomas Biviano- 6lbs 6 ozs, born @ 7:51 am on 1/20/2020

In other news, my aunt and uncle just had a baby (: A little background: my mom’s brother, Uncle Mike, as we call him, and his wife, Aunt Amanda, have been trying to conceive for some time. My aunt had breast cancer and beat it a few years ago, and she was told to wait about a year after remission to ensure the treatments didn’t harm the baby in any way. However, when they did start trying, they discovered that it was hard for her to conceive despite their best efforts for other reasons. It took three rounds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) for Nico to come into our lives. During her entire pregnancy, we were told that he could die at any time. The fact that he survived the entire term and is now happy and healthy and theirs is a miracle. Our family is planning on going up to see them in St. Louis during Spring Break and I can’t wait (:

There’s a lot more going on than I thought, and it kind of nullifies my next poem, but my mind is still in the same place. I’m so thankful for everything I have, but I think deep down, everyone is searching for something more, and sometimes we don’t even know what that something is. I’ve had this nagging feeling in the back of my mind off and on for several years, and as the poem describes, I’m not sure it will ever go away, or if what I’m looking for is even attainable in life, or a figment of my imagination. Let me know if you’ve every felt this way or what comes to mind when you read this, I’m curious to see:

All I Know
There’s something that I’m looking for
I don’t know what it is
Something close, but left unsaid
I push it to the back of my head
I have things to get doneImage result for something missing
Places to be
People to see
But when I’m through
Answering to
There’s something I wish
Was left for me
A little piece of certainty
It’s so rare
That feeling of content
That self-satisfaction
It’s almost like we’re not meant
To be quenched
By living life alone
And that is all I know
I’m super excited though, truly, cause last week I had mentioned I haven’t been inspired to write a poem in a long, long time, and even though this poem is about internal conflict, it is still something written on paper that I’m proud of, and that is a lot more than I could say I’d done a week ago. I know I sound like a complete nerd, and I am. Until next time!! I hope whoever you are, you enjoyed at least some part of reading this and you have a fantastic rest of your day! See ya soon (:

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