~ Home Away From Home ~

Welp, it’s official!! I’ve moved into my grandparents house and will likely be here until the end of the Coronavirus reign. I can’t say I have much new to report on beyond the fact that it’s kinda nice down here, away from other distractions. Like I said before, the introvert in me is loving this peaceful alone time, but let’s hope that’s enough to sustain me for the next few months.

My grandparents and I before my senior prom (:

The way my grandparent’s house is set up is actually perfect for a situation like this, because the basement is basically an entire mini-apartment without a kitchen. There are three beds all lined up; two fulls and a queen in the middle. I would’ve chosen the biggest, but for some reason I prefer the one closest to the far wall (maybe because it has an outlet and a nightstand nearby).

We’ve slept over here plenty of times growing up, mostly when our parents were out of town (we being my brother and I). I have good memories spending one or two nights here, upstairs eating ice cream on the couch watching TV, or playing family games at Christmas and Easter at the dining room table with all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins. Even now, the faces of all of these people watch over me from the walls as I sleep. My grandma keeps a collage of family photos on the wall, right next to her collection of Polish Pottery.

Gino resting his little head on me (:

While it does suck to remain isolated except for a short excursion to a drive-through to get food (we had KFC the other night) or to go to work, I have found ways to make the most of my time. I went for two walks this week, one with Gino (my grandma’s adorable Yorkie) and one without him. It was nice to just get out and breathe some fresh air. The fact that it’s getting a bit warmer out always lifts my spirits, even if we’re mostly shut inside.

In case whoever’s reading is curious how life working at a supermarket during these crazy times is, let me tell you, it’s twice as tiring. Wegmans has implemented a ton of policies to keep everyone safe, which includes spraying the conveyor belt down between every transaction, telling customers to stand back (usually more than once because they forget) and letting them come forward only to pay. There’s also a limit on certain items and a lot of people don’t read the signs. Being a cashier is already a demanding, labor intensive job, and now it is even more so.

Another thing that makes these interactions harder is how on edge everyone seems to be. I find myself wondering what the customers are thinking, if they are afraid I have the virus, or if any of them have it. I try to be courteous and I always ask how their day is beyond the circumstances, but it is hard to sustain small talk quite like we used to, especially when we have to enforce certain rules. Nonetheless, I love my job, and it has given me the opportunity to get out of the house and see other faces, especially my coworkers, who help keep me sane.

About two nights ago, not going to lie, I had a mental breakdown for seemingly no reason at all. The whole day, I felt overwhelmed, I couldn’t bring myself to do my schoolwork, I felt miserable and life seemed hopeless, even though I knew it wasn’t. I think it’s important to keep in touch with one another during these trying times, and lift each other up, rather than being worried or wary of others, try to see them as a human, not a potential threat.

I’m very guilty of staying quiet, and letting others come to me, but in times like these, I realize that it is in reaching out that we are able to remain connected, lighthearted, and strong. I encourage whoever is reading this to tell someone today how much they mean to you, out of the blue. It will mean more to them than you know, and probably make you feel closer to them and happier, too.

Unfortunately I don’t have a poem for this week, but hopefully some inspiration will hit me soon. This free time may be the perfect opportunity for it to strike. As always, thanks so much for reading, and I hope you have an amazing rest of the day (:

2 thoughts on “~ Home Away From Home ~

  1. I also moved in with my grandparents… now they’re putting me on the right path… the only thing I’m not enjoying is that they don’t want me eating the Mcdonald’s Menu Pricing every week… They want to see me healthy lol but I love mc.

  2. Our grandparents are very special! When I lived with them, they taught me so much. One of them was respecting nature. It was my grandmother who taught me all the flowers names and how to care…

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