Electronics Shows from Around the Globe!


Electronics shows are the World’s Fairs of the 21st century, offering attendees a glimpse into the future of technology. At electronics shows, companies feature both brand new and unreleased products that will soon make their way to the consumer market. As a result, the shows are jam-packed full of innovation and excitement. The most popular and innovative electronics shows around the globe are CES, MWC, and Computex. All three occur annually, and feature the newest technology. Without further ado, lets take a closer look at these three electronics shows!


CES stands for the Consumer Electronics Show. Occurring in Las Vegas in early January of each year, CES hosts the widest array of technologies out of any electronics show. Every consumer electronic imaginable can be found at CES. From smart refrigerators with a tablet computer in the door to TVs with 16 times the resolution as an HD TV to everything in between, CES has it all. Unfortunately, the event is traditionally closed to the public, being reserved only for those who are in the consumer electronics industry.


MWC stands for Mobile World Congress. As the name implies, MWC hosts the largest conference for the mobile device industry. The show occurs annually in late February in Barcelona, Spain and, unlike CES, is open to the general populous. Despite this, tickets to the week-long event are a whopping 900 dollars per person! As such, mostly media and industry professionally attend the event. Prominent mobile device companies like Samsung, LG, Motorola, and many others reveal smartphones, smartwatches, and smarthome devices every year at the event and allow attendees to interact with them. Fans of the Android operating system feel right at home at MWC, as most of the devices run on the operating system.


Computex stands for the Computer Expo. Featuring the latest innovations in consumer computing, Computex is the largest computer electronics show on the globe. Computer companies from around the world gather for Computex every year at the beginning of June in Taipei, Taiwan to showcase innovative products. Technologies showcased range from the newest processors to the fastest graphics cards to the most innovative computer cases. If you’re interested in learning more about computer parts, check out my blog post on the subject here! Like MWC, Computex is open to the public for a slightly lesser price. However, visitors from the public are only allowed to attend the event at the end of the week in which it is held.

Electronics shows feature the most innovative technologies from around the world. In addition to the devices and product announcements, all of the shows above include talks from industry experts and CEO’s as well. All of this innovation and excitement may be out of reach for most of the public, but at least we can all experience these electronics shows from the comfort of our couch via the internet connected devices we have in our own homes.

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