Penn State Sustainability

Sustainable Lab Ambassadors (ft. the author of this guide), who are represented in this resource
This resource is the heart of all things sustainability here at Penn State. The Penn State Sustainability Institute, more recently referred to as Penn State Sustainability, is the hub for initiatives, administrative changes, educational campaigns, and any efforts related to sustainability across all campuses with involvement at the student level and administrative level. This website presents all of the work that the institute does and its key stakeholders for contacting. When navigating this website, it is advised that students click on the “Students” tab that appears immediately when the reader scrolls down the home page to the list of opportunities available on the website. This is depicted below:

Click on the tab labeled “Students,” circled in blue
From there, readers can walk through various student involvement opportunities, such as the Penn State EcoReps and the Student Sustainability Advisory Council. These organizations are consistently taking applications every semester and are incredible ways to get involved in the sustainability space at University Park.
The scope of this resource is very broad, as it showcases events, provides educational resources, highlights student organizations, explores community involvement, and more. There is a detailed calendar of events that provides a current list of all sustainability-related events in the area or online. With a wide variety of opportunities and resources linked within this website, it can get overwhelming when a reader is new to the space. It is recommended that, after clicking through different student organizations from that initial tab, readers navigate to the menu bar, click on “Campus Efforts” -> “Climate Action” -> “Initiatives” to see what is currently being done at Penn State and how students can get involved. Whether joining the University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA, our student government) or participating in the Climate Crossover, there are links and contacts that students can use to quickly and securely join the fight to reduce carbon emissions and practice institutional sustainability.

Follow this tab order to arrive at the “Initiatives” page
Tips for Navigating this Resource
It is recommended that students pursue one of two paths depending on what they are looking for. If they have no idea what to expect when opening this website and are just now being exposed to the sustainability realm at Penn State, it is recommended to start with the “Students” tab and work through each link methodically while reading whether applications are being accepted or not. If they know which group they would like to join, they can just type the name into the search bar to see where it is most mentioned and thus most relevant.