PAS 2: How my favorite fitness influencers affect me, Jeff Nippard.

For this post, I want to talk about the influencer called Jeff Nippard. I think he is the first one really apply professional science knowledge into the video and make it easier for normal people to understand. In his video, you can see the knowledge of kinesiology and anatomy in the video. The best part about his video I love is that he always supports his point with actual paper that has been published and proven by the professor in the field he shares.  Watching his videos allow me to use my spare time to learn something hard in an easy way and makes me want to keep dig into the fitness field. In addition, he was the reason I took a kinesiology class at Penn State. Jeff Nippard - YouTube

One biggest influence Jeff Nipparf brings to me is that I should really go check out the new information. No matter how basic the knowledge might be. Things can change frequently these years, it is always important to update our information. As I said, lots of his videos are about applying science to work out; to maximize the workout performance, an important thing I had to learn from him is that I don’t need to reach to failure every rep in my workout. The marginal utility to reach the failure is not significant as we thought in the old day. Leaving some gas in the tank could be safer and give me a longer workout career.

Jeff Nippard on Twitter: "New Technique Tuesday video on the overhead press  just went live! Watch:… "

The next thing he changes me is how using technology can help me in my performance. He had a series called Technique Tuesday, he will teach people about using different forms according to their own situation. I remember one video is teaching me how to use my back properly in order to maximize my growth; he taught me about different grip and bodiesposition. The video also include every questions and problem I had.  After watching it and excuse it I finally solve all of them. Just by doing that saving me tons of money to hire a coach in the gym. I really feel like having the resource these days make lots of amateurs like me have chance to get valuable information with basically no cost. In sum, Jeff Nippard helps me to use a more scientific way to train and finding an efficient way for myself.


2 thoughts on “PAS 2: How my favorite fitness influencers affect me, Jeff Nippard.”

  1. Hello
    I also watch people who demonstrate correct workouts and fitness on youtube. Jeff Nippard is a interesting person, and the way he uses scientific evidence to influence his workouts is very useful. As you already stated, having this information at our fingertips saves money from having to hire a coach, but it is important to coach yourself to prevent injury and keep good form for healthy growth.

  2. Hi Vincent! I really enjoyed reading this blog. I just finished reading Gabriella’s blog and it talked about influencers as well. I like this you have another interesting take. After reading your post, I really want to go check out Jeff Nipparf. It is really uncommon for influencers to support their statements with real research. I also really like the image that you shared where he gives a visual representation of how to fix form.

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