RCL 2: Can we trust the media?

propaganda tip 10

The main reason for me to choose these artifacts is because they perfectly fit the topic I want to talk about. I think that people’s minds and thoughts can easily be changed or manipulate. One of the most common and useful ways is through media, such as news. This particularly interested me because I come from a business family, one of the lessons my father always taught me is that I need to have my own value and point of view on everything because the thing I see can be fake or only partially true as well as it can be manipulated by others who want it. You might be surprised, in Taiwan, you can use a really cheap price to buy a report on our news channel. And it can almost be anything as long as is not too over(such as the nudity picture). It usually is used to help that celebrity to wash out their behavior, for example, they will buy the news to give out a positive image and use it to change the public opinion. If you want it, you can actually buy the news and just expose yourself and be famous. Lots of people in Taiwan did that, you can see a random girl just been called something like “The Asian version of xxx” “The most beautiful nurse in Taiwan” and the news will show a lot of their Instagram pictures that are full of filters for like 15 minutes. I really think that is a serious issue of what information the news can give. That’s why I want to address it.

How Mass Media Works – propaganda

The relationship between the two is that the first one addresses the issue of credit issue of the news, in a lot of cases we might not really know if the information is true or did the news hide a part of it from us. The second artifact shows that the media can always select the part they want you to see and put it on. It highlights my point on how we can be manipulated through media these days if you let the media make our decision and judgment.

The rhetorical situation the artifacts want to address is that the news and media a lot of time are been manipulated if we can’t have our own judgment we will become a tool to the people who manipulated us, and think we are the ones actually think that.


The first one is from Newseum ed.org (https://newseumed.org/cantdupeme) 2019)

The second is from https://afoninpublishing.wordpress.com/2015/07/10/definition-of-propaganda-media-bias/ 2015


One thought on “RCL 2: Can we trust the media?”

  1. Hi Vincent, I really like the artifacts that you chose. You have a really unique idea and I’m excited to see where it takes you. I love how different the styles of the two pieces are and I think that you could definitely write about that. The two pieces may have different audiences, so I’d look into that because it could be another point of analysis.

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