Nyle Nayga is another IFBB Pro bodybuilder that is active on social media(Instagram). The first time I saw his post was on the explored page of my Instagram. The first thing I notice is how crazy his physique is. He looks like a statue, the muscles look like it’s from the other world. One thing that makes me really surprised is that he was really chubby in his teenage life. He was the kind of student that did not really get a lot of attention from anyone(what he said).
He suffers from his own identity and solves it by con constantly building himself. From his story, I notice basically everyone can be insecure about their body, and the most common way of solving it seems to be going to the gym. Which I personally agree with. Consistently going to the gym make me feel I have a sense of control in my life and I can be the one who makes the decision that improves myself. As a person who have appearance anxiety my whole life going to the gym and working on my body is kind of the way I feel have some control in life and feel like I am good. He let me know that there’s a lot of people are like me as well.
One thing he said stuck out to me and that is the best diet it’s the diet that you can follow. This is really deep because a lot of time we think that there is some “best” diet we should follow. Lots of times we have been affected by the media and think maybe the Kito diet is the best, and later we might think fasting is the magical way to get shredded. However, if you can’t follow it. None of that will do a thing to your body. This makes me think about the adjustment I should do in order to get a better physique. In addition, lots of his posts teach me some tips for working out and building myself in a more efficient way.
Next time I will be talking about a Chinese IFBB Pro athlete named Zhang Zheyu, and he is the youngest male in China who won a pro card in men physique.