This will be the last post for my PAS post, and I want to leave it to one of the most dominant fitness athletes in the world, Chris Bumstead.

Chris was born on 1995/2/2 and he is 26 years old right now. He actually just won Mr. Olympia 2021 a month ago. His physique is way ahead of every other competitor.  Every reporter had said that he could possibly keep wining for the next 5 years and do not need to make any improvement. He is like entering a middle school basketball game as a D1 college student. He also runs Instagram and youtube to share his thoughts and his training.


One thing that influences me the most is his work attitude. Chris arguably has the best genetic in bodybuilding. However, that only makes him work harder. He didn’t use it as an excuse to do less work because of the genetic advantage he had. His workout and diet could be a possibility the hardest to follow in the world right now. When he is cutting fat before the show. The thing he eats is only like an adult woman serving. As a man that is 6’1 and extremely muscular, that is a hell-level difficult thing to maintain for months.

Chris Bumstead - YouTube

By stating that, he let me know that if I don’t work harder (in every field, not just workout) I can easily be replaced in no time. If the man who has the most talent is working harder than everyone else. That is no way I can win. People always say that hard work > smartness. But what if the smart one (genetically blessed one) is also the hardest worker in the room? I will need to remind myself about working hard and do not slack off during the break. If I don’t do that I am afraid one day I woke up will realize I have no time to achieve what I want in life. At that moment will only be regretful and disappointed in my life. In order to prevent that to happen. I will work harder. That’s how Chris influence me. If the genetic bless people work really hard as well, there is no excuse for you be not to do it as well.


RCL7: Visual Rhetoric

This picture, it’s about a guy talking to another man while another man stabbing him from the back.

63 Pictures (Without Text) With Deep Meaning of Life & Society [2021]  – Extra Catchy

I think the message that the author wants to deliver is that we need to be careful about who we are talking to. One thing I want to analyze is that it could be showing us that when we talk about our secrets or our personal things. We might think it is safe to tell another person. However, lots of time they might use our trust and turn it against us. In the picture, the man stabbing another can show two things. One is that he (the man on the right)tells other people about the thing the man (on the left) told him. Another one is that he uses the thing told by the man(left) to turn against him. This is now a way to analyze the picture.

The second thing I want to analyze is that this picture shows us that what kind of people we should befriend with. I believe that most people have experienced the feeling of being betrayed by the people they trust. This emphasizes the importance of choosing friends in your environment. Lots of time we are being tricked by the behavior of the other and think we can trust them.

In the picture, we can see that the background uses the color red in the middle. I think it is a sign of danger to grab the attention of the user to see the difference in the official expression on the character. The usage of red I think it makes sense more nervous and dangerous.

In the picture, the most significant emotion that we can feel is nervousness or anger. The nervousness could be due to the nervousness the man gets hurt and anger could be due to the feeling we relate with our own experience. After viewing the picture make me really think about who should I trust in my life. Turns out probably keeping the thing to myself will be a better opinion after all. Because there’s no way I betray myself.



The next influencer is both on Instagram and Youtube, and he is Will Tennyson. Will is a Canadian bodybuilder, who is also a Gym Shark-sponsored athlete.  He is one of the few bodybuilders sponsored by Gym Shark that doesn’t use PEDs. The content he provides in both his videos and Instagram promotes a healthy lifestyle. Which I really like. One thing I start to learn from him is to set a daily goal of walking 10,000 steps per day. It was fairly hard when I was still in Taiwan because the distance from place to place was usually really short and I really don’t need to move around that frequency since everything was basically all around each other. I used to go for a walk with my parents after I learn the 10,000 steps from him. I will ask my parents to walk with me, and we will talk during the walk for like 20 minutes at least per day. It provide me a good time to connect with my family amd we did have a strong bond by that.

Will Tennyson - YouTube

One of the most significant things I learned from Will is that the work/life balance. He let me understand that although going to the gym is really important, we do not necessarily need to go there so often to “maximize” the gain. A balanced life is far more important for us. Family, love, work, food, and workout could be balanced. I don’t need to feel bad for taking a day off or not going to the gym one or two times. I think it is an important reminder to me because lots of time I think that all my muscles will just leave me and all the work I had will just disappear. After his content always make me remember it is ok to take a break sometimes.

The Workout a Popular YouTube Bodybuilder Uses to Stay Ripped

Last but not least, he basically eats whatever he wants like Greg (in the previous post). With a good skill of cooking ability, he often. share some tips for cooking delicious food while maintaining a good quality of nutrition. I sometimes will follow his tips and make some nice food that tastes both good and loe in calories.