
September 16, 2024: Latest work from Po-Hao Lai on use of polymer-inorganic interactions to control properties in cold sintered composites has been accepted to Materialia. This is a collaborative project with the Gomez Group and is providing the basis for understanding how to generate co-continuous composites with tailored properties through cold sintering.

September 7, 2024: Pre-COVID collaborative work led by Mengmeng Zhao in the Zacharia group at Akron has been accepted to Soft Matter.

May 31, 2024: A collaborative paper with the Gomez Group with contributions from Po-Hao Lai on recyclable solid state electrolytes through cold sintering has been accepted to ACS Energy Letters.

May 20. 2024: A collaborative project with the Pester group led by Jake Capets on self-healing tethered coatings has been accepted to Advanced Functional Materials.

May 16, 2024: Work from the Master’s project of Yun Zhu has been accepted to Additive Manufacturing. This illustrates how small differences in recycled plastics can impact printed products.

May 2, 2024: Collaborative work by Po-Hao Lai with the Gomez Group has been highlighted by Penn State.  The potential of cold sintering in improving materials sustainability is discussed.

May 1, 2024: A roadmap towards defossilization of hard to decarbonize segments has been published in Nature Reviews Chemistry. This roadmap provides concepts on how we can work to reduce the carbon footprint through alternative fuels and emerging processes.

March 5, 2024: Work from Po-Hao Lai in collaboration with Prof. Amir Sheikhi, Rui Shi, and Enrique Gomez has been accepted to Materials Horizons.

January 11, 2024: Collaborative work with Prof. Sindee Simon on polymerization in porous materials has been accepted to Journal of Polymer Science.

January 2, 2024: Collaborative work with Prof. Seong Kim on interfacial effects for properties of 3D printed core-shell filaments has been accepted to RSC Applied Polymers. This is the last paper from the productive PhD of Jia-Ruey Ai.

September 25, 2023: Collaborative work with Prof. Rob Hickey on deformation of grafted copolymers has been accepted to ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.

September 14, 2023: Work from Sierra Yost in collaboration with Prof. Christian Pester on the influence of molecular weight distribution on performance of 3D printed plastics has been accepted to a special issue on Polymeric Materials for Additive Manufacturing in the Journal of Polymer Science.

September 14, 2023: Work originating from the honors thesis of Bevan Harbinson on the relationships between surface topology and mechanical properties of 3D printed parts has been accepted in Progress in Additive Manufacturing.

May 10, 2023: Work from Huseyin Kaya in collaboration with Prof. Seong Kim and Yifu Ding at CU-Boulder on characterization of membranes with IR-ellipsometry has been accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

October 11, 2022: Work from Jia-Ruey Ai and Siouan Li on microwave post-processing of 3D printed carbon PEEK has been accepted in Additive Manufacturing.

June 30, 2022: Work from Pablo Sepulveda-Medina on the role of the mechanical properties of the hydrophobic crosslinks on the antifreeze performance of amphiphilic hydrogels has been accepted in The Journal of Physical Chemistry B.

June 19, 2022: Work from Fang Peng on core-shell filaments in 3D printing in collaboration with Miko Cakmak (Purdue) has been accepted to International Polymer Processing.

June 7, 2022: Collaborative study on glass corrosion using IR ellipsometry has been accepted to Journal of the American Ceramic Society.

January 31, 2022: Work by Jia-Ruey Ai on size and orientation effects on 3D printed plastics has been accepted to Progress in Additive Manufacturing.

January 20, 2022: Group alumnus, Zhe Qiang is named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list.

December 1, 2021: Work by Ziyuan Gong in collaboration with Prof. Nicole Zacharia’s group on influence of ionic surfactants on properties of coacervates has been accepted to Soft Matter.

November 24, 2021: Work by Siyuan Li and Mengxue Zhang on ionic surfactant interactions with hydrophobically cross linked hydrogels has been accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

November 4, 2021: Work by Liz Lewis in collaboration with Prof. Nicole Zacharia’s group on IR ellipsometry to quantify compositional gradients in layer-by-layer films has been accepted to Soft Matter.

August 27, 2021: Work by Siyuan Li and Xuhui Xia on microwave synthesis of iron oxide-rGO nanocomposites has been accepted to Langmuir.

August 12, 2021: A review article in collaboration with Sanat Kumar and Kris Stokes on recycling of post-consumer plastics has been accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

July 13, 2021: Pablo Sepulveda-Medina successfully defends his Ph.D dissertation in one of the first in-person defenses at Akron (post?)-pandemic. Congratulations Pablo.

June 25 2021: Collaborative work with Prof. Hui Yang on imaging monitoring of 3D printing has been accepted in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

April 5, 2021: Congratulations to Sierra Yost in receiving a competitive DoD SMART Scholarship.

March 29, 2021: Work by Pablo I. Sepulveda-Medina on dynamics of water within nanostructured amphiphilic hydrogels has been accepted to the Journal of Chemical Physics as part of a special topic on Fluids in Nanopores.

March 26, 2021: Work by Jia-Ruey Ai on improving dimensional accuracy of 3D printed parts with core-shell filaments has been accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials.

March 25, 2021: Siyuan Li successfully defends his Ph.D dissertation via WebEx. Congratulations.

December 14, 2020: Work in collaboration with the Hickey group at PSU has been accepted to Soft Matter.

December 5, 2020. Work by Fang Peng in collaboration with K.T. Tan’s group at Akron on 4D printing of meta materials has been accepted to Journal of Materials Chemistry C.

October 28, 2020. Sierra Yost (co-advised with Prof. Pester) and Po-Hao Lai (co-advised with Prof. Gomez) join the group as new graduate students.

September 17, 2020. Work by Xuhui Xia in collaboration with Yu Zhu’s group at Akron on the rapid microwave synthesis of nitrogen doped mesoporous carbons has been accepted to Microporous and Mesoporous Materials.

June 17, 2020. Work by Elizabeth Lewis in collaboration with Sanat Kumar’s group at Columbia on the fundamentals of zone annealing has been accepted to ACS Macro Letters.

June 12, 2020. Work by Siyuan Li on dilute polyol induced swelling and plasticization of amphiphilic norbornene copolymer films in aqueous solution has been accepted to Soft Matter.

March 13, 2020. Elizabeth Lewis successfully defends her Ph.D dissertation via WebEx. Congratulations.

February 6, 2020. Xuhui Xia successfully defends his Ph.D. dissertation. Congratulations.

January 20, 2020. Work by Xuhui Xia on using microwaves to manipulate the structure of mesoporous metal oxide films has been accepted to Langmuir.

January 13, 2020. The group welcomes three new undergraduate students. Siddharth Bellard is a chemical engineering student who will work on visualizing flow in 3D printed parts through the Equity REU program in the College of Engineering. Isabelle Seidenberg is a 1st year student who will work on understanding 3D printing of advanced engineering materials (carbon-filled PEEK) through the WISER program. Thomas Yocum will be working on characterizing physically cross linked hydrogels using QCM-D.

December 10, 2019. Work by Zhiyang Zhao in collaboration with Prof. Thein Kyu on flexoelectric effect in polyelectrolyte membranes has been accepted to ACS Applied Energy Materials.

December 2, 2019. Proposal on polymer dynamics within highly filled nanocomposites is funded by ACS Petroleum Research Fund.

November 20, 2019. Work from Mengxue Zhang (now at USC) in collaboration with Jack Douglas at NIST on salt effect on the swelling and rheological properties of hydrophobically cross linked hydrogels has been accepted to Langmuir.

November 14, 2019. Prof. Vogt presents work from the group on 3D printing at the AIChE annual meeting in Orlando.

October 31, 2019. Last paper from Yanfeng Xia in collaboration with the Yu Zhu group at the University of Akron on using microwaves to generate stable lithium electrodes has been accepted to ACS Applied Energy Materials.

October 16, 2019. Seonmyeong Noh joins the group.

October 8, 2019. Work from Meeta Trivedi on how to select low volatility solvents as swelling agents to control pore size in block copolymer templated mesoporous materials has been accepted to Langmuir.

September 24, 2019. Work from Pablo Sepulveda-Medina on how nanostructure in hydrophobically cross linked hydrogels controls the nucleation of ice under supercooled conditions has been accepted to Molecular Design Systems & Engineering as part of a special issue on Bioinspired Materials.

September 19, 2019. Work from Siyuan Li on using QCM-D to probe the influence of ppm of additives in a model fermentation broth on swelling and mechanical properties of a membrane has been accepted to ACS Applied Polymer Materials. Congrats Siyuan

September 19, 2019. Prof. Vogt has been elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) through the Division of Polymer Physics.

September 15, 2019. Recent paper led by Chao Wang and an REU student, Katherine Deitrick, is among the most read articles in Macromolecules for the past 30 days. Congrats Chao and Katherine.

August 15, 2019. Vogt research group begins its migration from the University of Akron to the Pennsylvania State University. We are now in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Penn State.