Tag Archives: passion

A Year in Sailplane: What I’ve Learned

Well, since this is the last blog post, I figured I’d reflect back on my overall experience in the Sailplane class this year, and what I’ve  learned throughout the year.

Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 10.53.19 PMThe first lesson I learned in Sailplane, from the first day of class, was that there was going to be tons of information thrown at me, especially during lectures. Sure, this seems obvious, but the key thing I took from this mass of information, is that most of it was way over my head as a little Freshman, and that that was perfectly fine. As the year progressed, after paying attention to lectures and taking notes, even if it seemed pointless because I didn’t understand anything, I found that things were slowly starting to make sense. Even though I understood only the basic principles that my professor was writing on the board, and not the overarching background and details involved, I started building an arsenal of knowledge that I’ll keep in the back of my mind. Eventually, when I take those junior and senior level classes, I’ll have this basic and minimal understanding of these concepts. This may seem pointless, but in engineering, even a tiny bit of background knowledge or previous experience with a topic can make the world of a difference when attempting to grasp new concepts.

Secondly, I learned that not all upperclassmen are big and scary. Ok, so this may seem very juvenile of me, to say that I was “afraid” of the big kids, but nevertheless, I was certainly intimidated by their mass of knowledge and big aerospace vocabulary. As the year progressed, I began to learn how ridiculous that assumption was. With the nature of the sailplane course (having it be a four year class), everyone gains knowledge as they grow within the class. Naturally, the seniors have the most knowledge about both the design and building method of the HPA. However, when the seniors leave in May, they take all their knowledge with them, meaning that we lose our best classmates. What does this mean? It means that the seniors are eager to share their expertise with younger classmates, so that we can carry on with the class when they leave. They told us from day one that if we had questions, to simply ask them. Unfortunately, I’m typically a fairly shy person around people I don’t know, and was reluctant to ask for any sort of help. As I began to get more acclimated to lab and the work environment, I began to feel more comfortable with my fellow classmates, and began to ask them for their input. Since that point, they have been the most wonderful people to get to know, and they are a great resource to not only learn a lot about engineering concepts, but also to help you build a network.

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A nice reminder to our classmates after finishing our horizontal tail. 🙂

Thirdly, and possibly most importantly, I learned that ENGINEERING CLASSES CAN BE FUN!!! I know, it seems absolutely preposterous that any engineering class could be outright fun, but sailplane has been one of those classes that I legitimately have looked forward to going to (though perhaps not as much when the class is at 8 AM in the fall). Naturally, lab is of course oodles of fun, especially with the goofballs in my class. From using a carbon tube to hit DBF‘s Wiffle balls out the window, to tossing hand launched gliders out the window at innocent bystanders, to heating chicken wings with a heat gun (possibly cancerous?), lab has been a great experience (I promise we actually do work there). Surprisingly, even lectures are enjoyable in themselves. When you have a professor like ours (who, coincidentally, looks exactly like Harry from dumb and dumber, except he’s way more intelligent) , it’s impossible not to laugh at least 10 times every class. It also helps that he has the peanut gallery (us students) commenting on everything he says. In fact, today in class, my professor pulled a Key & Peele (if you have no idea what this means, watch the video below) and used his TA as an anger translator, and it was honestly one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen.

“I really think we should have a wing section built soon – DO YOU PEOPLE EVEN KNOW WHAT WINGLETS ARE?!?”

Warning: Explicit Content (they really just say a lot of curse words).

Finally, while Sailplane was all of these things and more, the one thing that is most important to me is that it made me fall in love even more with the major I chose for myself. Going into college, you can never really be sure that what you’re doing is what you want to be doing for the rest of your life. There were times that I questioned whether there were other majors that better fit my interests or my skills, but as soon as sailplane really got into full swing, I realized that I did pick the right major. That reassurance is one of the most important things that has come out of this class. In the end, while my first year of sailplane is almost over, I know that as I continue with the class, I will continue to explore the interest in flight that my PopPop first inspired in me. And for that, I will forever be thankful for this wonderful program.


Sailplane Fun Fact: In lab we actually do have a flying f**k. It has a propellor and  everything. It literally does fly. This is why Aerospace Engineers are awesome.



We Are. . . In Need of Carbon!

Well considering that I had begun writing this post before my last Sailplane class (Tuesday Afternoon), a lot of exciting things have happened since then. The most exciting being that WE GOT LOTS OF CARBON FROM BOEING!!! If you haven’t been following my blog all semester, let me give you a brief introduction to what on earth I’m talking about. For my AERSP 204H class (otherwise known as Sailplane), our biggest problem as a group has been trying to get carbon to use. Why? Because carbon is a magical material in the world of HPA-building. However, carbon is sort of tricky to handle, due to the fact that it has a “shelf life,” and has to be kept in a freezer to keep in from curing. To learn more about carbon and what it is used for in reference to wing spars, take a look at this website!

Carbon Tubes!

Carbon Tubes!

We use carbon for a number of things, the main use being to make carbon tubes for things such as wing spars. Carbon is fairly light and strong, so it is an important aspect for us while building the plane, especially the wing sections. Unfortunately, we were at a bit of a stand still for a while due to the fact that we ran out carbon, and could therefore not make any more tubes.

On the other hand, with the tubes that we do have, we had a heck of a job

Wahoo Angle Grinder!

Wahoo Angle Grinder!

attempting to remove them from their mandrels. Carbon tubes are baked in such a way that the ply are laid up on a metal “mandrel,” so when they come out of the oven, they are literally baked onto these metal tubes to create their shape. The problem comes when you try to remove the actual carbon tube from its metal mandrel. This is where the fun part starts. Usually to start, we tie ropes around 2x4s and put breather cloth underneath to prevent the wood from scratching the carbon. We then tie the rope in such a way that when we twist the pieces of wood, we tighten the rope’s grip on the tube. We then attach the end of the metal mandrel to some fixed station, so to create a moment on the tube in order to “pop” the carbon off of the mandrel.

*Disaster Waiting To Happen*

*Disaster Waiting To Happen*

Long story short, this isn’t as easy as it sounds, and we have broken several ropes, bent steel bars with or bare hands, and broken through half inch pieces of plywood in our attempts to anchor the mandrel and remove the carbon tubes. Not to mention the time that we literally anchored the end of the hole to the I-Beam that supports our lab. So yeah, that’s always fun, especially when you are literally putting all of your weight onto the 2x4s and the tube still refuses to twist. I have to say though, I don’t feel bad about missing tennis for lab, because attempting to remove these tubes is a workout in itself!!!

Yeah, We Aerospace Engineers Are Pretty Jacked.

Yeah, We Aerospace Engineers Are Pretty Jacked.


Baking and Breaking

02Time for another Sailplane update! This one will be more geared toward activity in the lab. For new readers, within this class, we are split up into smaller “groups” that are responsible for different aspects of the HPA’s build and design. I am in the Wing Group (which this semester has turned into more of the Wing/ Tail Group). For this semester, our goal is essentially to have the entire wing and tail sections built. What this means for us is that we need to make a lot of carbon tubes so we can start building. So for the past few weeks, lab has consisted of a never ending cycle of cutting carbon, buffing mandrels, laying up carbon, baking carbon, removing the carbon tube (without breaking it, hopefully), and occasionally breaking the new tube in the name of science. In other words, we’ve been making a lot of tubes and then testing (so breaking) them to determine the load that they can withstand.

One of the tubes that we made came out fairly well. Once you bake the tube, you have to remove it from the mandrel it is attached to. To do this, we attached two pieces of wood- one to the bare mandrel, and one to the tube itself- and tied them with rope. We tied the knots in such a way that when the two pieces of wood, when twisted in opposite directions, will tighten the knot holding them to the tube. After twisting the pieces of woodCF_wingtubes slowly (in an attempt to not break the tubes and waste carbon- a precious resource in the sailplane lab), you can hear a small “pop” when the tube is finally free from the mandrel. Then it’s just a matter of playing tug of war with the tube (literally, that’s exactly what it feels and looks like). With this tube in particular that we made, after removing it, it was then used for testing. However, the test was very informative, as we did some tweaking to the tube before this test. We found that the carbon tube was breaking under tension, which is something that it shouldn’t do, due to the nature of carbon itself. Nonetheless, this first test found that the tube withstood a bending moment of 29 ft-lbs. This gave us a (conservative) factor of safety of 1.5. This is fairly good, however I’ve been told that with the HPA we usually try and aim for a FOS of about 2. To reach this goal, we tried covering the tube with fiberglass, as an added form of strength for the tube. After testing this, we found that the modified tube held 77 ft-lbs, which is a FOS of 4. While this may seem like it gives us an obvious direction to move in with making our tubes, adding that one fiberglass layup to the tube is extremely time consuming. In the end, we are thinking of possibly just adding another layup of carbon. This might not prove to be as effective as the layer of fiberglass, but it will do the job without wasting too much time. If you would like more information about carbon tubes (and especially if this post looked like it was in another language) you can check out the interesting links below.

*Interesting Links*:



Video of Carbon Tube Breaking

This I Believe

I Believe In The Snoopy Barn

snoopy barn

Sailplanes: A History


1902 Wright Glider

So sailplane (if you have no idea what that means be sure to check out this blog post) started up again this past week! Since I haven’t been back to lab yet this year, I thought I’d share what we learned in lecture the past few days. This week we learned all about the history of sailplanes and the development in their design. I found this to be fascinating, so I thought I’d share some of the notes I took regarding the topic (assuming I can read my own handwriting). So lets start with the basics. For those that don’t know, a sailplane (or glider) is a plane that flies with no engine. It essentially uses external means (i.e. a towplane) to get into the sky, and then glides and uses different methods of gaining altitude (thermals, ridge lift, etc.). When thinking of early flight, many consider the Wright Brothers, and rightfully so, as they did contribute greatly to the development of the sailplane. However, most of the evolution of the glider occurred with the “Akafliegs.” These organizations – which as you might have guessed, originate in Germany – are essentially groups of German technical students that meet to design aircraft.


1930 Fafnir

These Akafliegs mostly originated with Otto Lilienthal, whose 1894 Monoplane utilized a design based on the flexibility of bird wings. From, there, the Germans continued to expand their knowledge on flight. The Wright Brothers came into the picture around 1902, with their “Wright Glider.” This is what comes to mind when people think “First to Fly,” however this craft was certainly not the peak of the brothers’ design career. One of their most effective gliders, the Wright Model A, was developed in 1908. Following that, in the year 1921, The Vampyr (Vampire, auf Deutsch) was developed, and was then considered the first modern sailplane. After the Vampyr, came a long series of Gliders developed just before the Second World War (circa 1930- 1938). The first of these, the Fafnir (1930), actually used a bungee as a means of getting the glider into the air. Sounds pretty epic, right? Think of the glider as being a giant, flying water balloon that’s being launched at the top of a hill. Anyways, following the Fafnir came the Minimoa (1935), which was one of the first gliders that was designed for thermal soaring. For a little background, a thermal is one method that a glider pilot can use to gain altitude without an engine. The thermal itself is a column of rising air created from the surface below the thermal  being heated. After that came the 1938 D-30 Cirrus. The D-30 used a pre-cursor to aluminum for much of its structural aspects, but what really set it apart was its experimental relation with dihedral. Long story short, the dihedral on an airplane is essentially the sloped angle the wings make relative to the fuselage (in very simple terms).

Furthermore, the Post-World-War-II time period also saw great glider development. In 1957, the FS-24 Phönix became the first composite sailplane, closely followed by the Phoebus, which in 1965, became the first fiberglass sailplane. Overall, while this may not seem the most exciting topic for many of you (and thank you for reading until the end, if this is true), but I think the fact that humans can now fly like birds- and that this development occurred in only a little over 100 years- is extremely impressive. Way to go Germans! Oh, and the Wright Brothers. . .

Cool Video of a Glider Flight (with really annoying music in the background): http://youtu.be/kqawMYEHW2c

More About the Akafliegs (In German!):



Testing Tubes

photoLast week in lab in Sailplane, we certainly had an exciting project going on! The point of this lab session was to test a composite tube. Sounds simple enough right? Well, not exactly. When I first arrived at lab, the guys had already gotten a drill bit stuck in a 2X4 just trying to build the stand needed to test the tube. Eventually, after trying several times, they were able to reattach the bit to the drill and reverse it out of the wood. Next, since the hole still needed to be drilled, they proceeded to stick the bit in the wood again, but luckily, it did not get stuck again. After the stand was built, we beefed it up a little by wrapping heavy duty rope around it several times, which at least kept its movement to a minimum. We then proceeded to spend fifteen minutes cutting up rope to tie around gallons of water. Why you ask? The gallons of water would be strategically placed along the composite tube so we could find its deflection. Deflection is essentially how much the tube will move when it is put under load. A gallon of water doesn’t really seem heavy enough to break a composite tube does it? Trust me, water is MUCH heavier than it looks. Imagine holding your arm straight out from your body, and having someone hang 10 gallon bottles of water from it. Ouch. I don’t want to do that. But that is essentially what we did to our poor tube. After tying the rope around all the gallons, we took measurements at about ten different locations from the ground to the middle of the unstressed tube. After marking the ground where the measurements were taken so that we could make sure we measured from the same location every time, we began loading up the tube. After placing one gallon bottle at each of the pre-measured locations, we recorded the length from the ground to the tube. Since it did not break, we proceeded to add another gallon at each location, and the tube still did not break. After measuring with two gallons at each point, since we no longer needed the tube and had gotten all the information we needed, we decided we just wanted to break it. Now we were inside during this whole thing, so that added a bit of a concern to the test, but we decided to go for it anyway. We had two people hold a 2X4 underneath the end while we moved all of the gallons to the very end of the tube. They then began to lower the wood slowly, but once we heard the tube begin to crack, we got cold feet and took the water gallons off the tube. We decided it wasn’t worth putting six people’s lives in danger just to break a tube for no reason. All in all, it was certainly an informative and exciting lab session, and if you’d like to see us loading the tube, I’ve included a link to the video below.

Composite Tube Test


Building an RC Plane

For now, in my Sailplane Class (or at least in my Wing Group) we are still at a bit of a stand still waiting to get materials back from different locations before we can get to work. So in the meantime, I’m working on building an RC Aircraft. If you remember back from one of my very first posts, I explained that since I’m a Freshman, I’m supposed to build three different model planes during my first year. The first was a Delta Dart, which I finished and flew during my first lab session. The second was a hand-launched glider that I finished a few lab sessions ago. The third one, an RC Aircraft (built from a kit), I just started Wednesday in lab. It took me a while to start this one, since I had been working with my group on the actual HPA (Human Powered Aircraft). Since we didn’t have anything to do in Lab last week, I started working on the kit. So far the assembly has been super easy. All the wing ribs and the fuselage pieces were pre-cut, so basically all I had to do was pop them out and slide them together. After securing the pieces together with a bit of super glue (we call it CA Glue), most of which ended up on my fingers, I was pretty much done with the basic structure of the aircraft. Since I glued it on a piece of foam board, some foam did stick to the wood. This was an easy fix though, since all I had to do was sand it off. That’s the progress I’ve made so far, but I can explain what will happen next time I work on the aircraft. I still have to put the motor in and run the servos. The servos essentially send signals that control the aircraft from the remote control. Besides wiring the plane, I also have to cover the wing structure. To cover this, I’ll use a heat-shrinkable like plastic, that gets put on in a certain way. It almost looks like your ironing the plastic onto the wing to cover it. Anyways, below are pictures of my progress so far on this project, and that’s my weekly update on the happenings in Sailplane!!!photo 2

photo 1

A Penn State Program: WEP

My WEPO team decorations. We were team L.

My WEPO team decorations. We were team L.

What on earth is a WEP you ask? WEP stands for Women in Engineering Program. It is a program at Penn State for students (and I feel I shouldn’t need to explain this) that are women in engineering. In addition to just WEP there is also a program called WEPO, which stands for Women in Engineering Program Orientation. This is essentially an orientation for incoming freshman that are females in engineering. Both of these program are ones that I have been a part of since the beginning of the year, and since they are relevant to engineering, I thought I’d share them with you.



First, lets start with WEPO. This program was a great thing for me to do at the start of my college career. It was basically a three day program with students in the same boat as I was, in other words, scared freshman. The program allowed us to move into our dorms three days early, and during the time in the program we stayed in a hotel and did all sorts of activities with our “team.” Each team had two mentors, and both  of mine were super helpful with answering any questions or concerns that we might have. As for the activities we partook in,  there was always something going on, which I liked. We did activities such as broomball at the Pegula Ice Center, design and computer software projects, and so many ice breakers that I new way more than I needed to about my teammates. In addition to those activities, we also went to a “Networking Dinner.” This was essentially a dinner and a reception before hand with different Penn State Alum that are now working for different engineering companies. The point of the dinner was to allow us to get experience early with what it is like to try and “network,” which essentially means establish connections with the right people so that they can open doors into your future career. At this dinner, I got to meet several Penn State Alum that were in Aerospace Engineering, and I also got to meet and talk to a representative from Boeing. The experience also showed me that networking doesn’t have to be some scary and nerve-wracking task, and that the people you want to network with genuinely care about what you have to say and what you want to do with your future. All in all, the WEPO program was great, and it allowed me to meet some really great people on my team and outside my team. My WEPO groups still stays in touch and we get together every once in a while, and it’s always a great time seeing everyone. However, outside of WEPO there are still Women Engineering activities that can be done.

WEP is the sort of continuation of WEPO, and it does several activities for both underclassmen and upperclassmen alike. One of the most predominant activities  from WEP is “WEP Wednesdays.” These are meetings that occurs usually around once a month (on a Wednesday), and there is free food served as well as great advice. I’ve attended several different WEP Wednesdays, including ones about research, studying abroad, and the career fair. Overall, I’m so thankful to have a program like this at Penn State. If you’d like to learn more about this program, here is the link to the organization’s website: http://psuengineeringdiversity.com/wep/ 


Stuckeman Family Building and Rocket Explosions

What’s the haps in the world of Sailplane for the week? Unfortunately not too much. Our lab is still being modified, and we’re sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place until we get all of the materials for our wing section. Because of this, I decided to do a dual-post this week. I have a fairly interesting story about the Stuckeman Family Building here at Penn State, which I visited the other day on official Sailplane business. In addition, I thought I’d also reflect on the NASA Antares launch failure from Tuesday night.
imageFirst off, it may seem weird to dedicate half a post to a location on campus, but the Stuckeman Family Building, which houses various architecture-related majors, is a fairly interesting place. Anyways, for a little background information, the other day, my Sailplane group leader sent me up to Stuckeman. One of the professors and his Grad Students there help us out by cutting our foam ribs for our wing section using their LASER cutter. So I started off on the walk from Hammond (down by College Ave) to Stuckeman (behind Forum) with four pieces of foam board and no clue where I was going. After finding the building, it took me a little while to find this Professor’s office, but I did find some interesting things in my travels. Since it’s home to architectural engineering, naturally the setup of the building itself was very unique, but they also had landscape and structure models in little cases that were neat to look at. After finding the office and dropping off the materials and the accompanying CAD file, I started the trek back to Hammond. Fortunately, at that time I realized I didn’t get a run in that day, and since I only had my phone to carry and I was wearing running clothing, I just decided to jog back to Hammond. Unfortunately, we just found out last night that the LASER cutter is broken, so we might be waiting on those rib pieces for a while.

141028-antares-rocket-explosion-jms-1825_c6574a8e67fd20cddbc518bebd937bd4Now onto that NASA launch. For those of you that don’t know, NASA launched their Antares Rocket on Tuesday, October 28th. Antares was on a mission to resupply the ISS (International Space Station) with various different technologies and provisions. In a launch, NASA Safety Officers have the option to essentially hit the self-destruct button on a launch that they deem unsafe shortly after liftoff (talk about a stressful job). This is exactly what happened Tuesday. A few seconds after liftoff, the rocket began to respond incorrectly, however the exact reason for this issue is still unknown. Because of this mishap, a Safety Officer hit the self-destruct button, resulting in the colorful explosion shown above. What happens now? Well naturally, whenever a launch has to be aborted, NASA loses what  little money the government still gives them. Factor in the loss of equipment in a scenario like this, and its basically like taking millions of dollars and chucking it in a fire. As in any failure, information can still be gathered from what went wrong. The loss is still a heavy one for NASA, but thankfully no one was injured at the Wallops Testing Center. And not to make “light” of the situation, but we did get to see a Fourth-of-July-worthy fireworks display in the middle of fall. You can read up more about the process of the mission here. If you’d like to see a video of the launch you can view it below:



Why Federal Policies Ruin Everything

Shortly after our flight test about two weeks ago, we had a little visitor in our lab. Long story short, our lab got purged over the weekend, and we came into class the following Tuesday, our Professor had some interesting news for us. First, lets give you some context. In order for an engineering degree to be worth anything in the field today, it pretty much has to come only from an ABET accredited university. Fun Fact: ABET used to stand for the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, but much like KFC no longer stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken (it is simply KFC), ABET now simply stands for ABET. See you learn something new everyday! Anyways, representatives came to the university to make sure Penn State was meeting all their requirements and such. So they decided to have a look in the sailplane lab and sit down with our professor and talk about our class. Surprisingly, this part of the weekend went well, the ABET rep loved the lab and thought the class was a wonderful idea. However, following the ABET inspection came the OSHA inspection.

Perhaps not completely related to Sailplane, but it made me laugh!

Perhaps not completely related to Sailplane, but it made me laugh!

For those of you that don’t know, OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) is a federal agency that is essentially responsible for regulating safety in the workplace and other locations. Unfortunately for us over at sailplane, our good ole’ fashion lab broke a plethora of OSHA rules. For starters, our drill press and scroll saw were both deemed “unsafe,” and both were removed from the lab. In addition, our lab has an excessive “fuel load,” meaning if a fire were to start in the lab, it would go up almost instantaneously. To combat this, we now have to remove the wooden tables we have and replace them with metal, we are only allowed to have wood in the room that we are going to use within 6 months, and we have to remove the plywood that currently covers the floor. Furthermore, we have to have at least two windows accessible at all times, because according to OSHA, if there were a fire, humans can survive up to a six story fall (the sailplane lab is about three stories up) with “no life-threatening injuries.” Then there is the simple nature of the materials we work with and their dangerous characteristics. For example the LiPos (batteries) we work with are extremely flammable, and must be kept in both a fire repellent bag and safe. And perhaps the most frightening of these is our safety record and what it means for the future of the class. Right now the sailplane class has a prefect safety record, but one minor slip-up and our beloved class could be in major trouble. In the long run, we will have to change our habits and practice more safety procedures, but in the mean time, building a whole HPA from scratch (we crashed the last one, in case you missed last week’s post) is going to be huge pain in the butt with our lab the way it is. Gotta love federal agencies and their rules. 🙂
