E-Portfolio Setup

For my e-portfolio I’m going to use WordPress with my psu email. I’ve used WordPress all of freshman year with RCL and have become very comfortable with using it. I understand how to post, create sections, insert media, and allow others to comment. I feel that I’ve become proficient at it and I like using…


For this last post, I’m talking about some of the recovery techniques that have helped me through this year. From missing out on regular training with all the injuries I suffered in the fall and winter to getting disrupted by Covid, I have not had a long block of consistent training in a while.  I…

Question to Ponder #1

Off the bat, President Biden’s speech addresses the rhetorical situation by stating that “democracy has prevailed.” This is in reference to the recent siege on democracy with past president Trump’s incitement of an insurrection to storm the Capitol building and halt the counting of votes that certified the 46th president of the United States. Biden…

Question to Ponder #2

The rhetorical situation of the “Save our Country” rally was that it took place during the Congressional ballot count to certify the 46th president of the United States. President Trump gave a speech outside of the Capitol to his supporters where he said “we will never give up. We will never concede. We are going…

Weekly Training Schedule

This week’s post is less about things outside the track I do to supplement training and more of what I physically do on a daily basis. My coach is a very schedule-oriented person which bodes well for me because so I am. I always know what kind of training day each day of the week…

Advocacy and Ethics

One idea I am considering for my advocacy project is arguing for more wellness days throughout the school year whether or not students have a spring break. The wellness days we had were few and far between but greatly needed, appreciated, and desired. The rigors and demands of being a college student mean that students…

Delay is not Denial

What a week this has been! I was released from quarantine yesterday along with four of my teammates. Since we were in the contact tracing dorm and not the Covid positive dorm, we were allowed out Thursday and Saturday morning from 8-9 am for fresh air and I took those opportunities to get two runs…

OSMPR Conversation Extra Credit

I am very happy that our deliberation group got a respectful and fast response from OSMPR regarding our post-deliberation letter and email to them. It made me feel like we’re making a real change and our voices are being heard. Representatives Mr. Spencer Peters and Ms. Amy Cotner spoke on behalf of their office and…

Issue Brief Draft

Issue Brief Paper The link above is to the pdf version of my initial draft. I intend to add more infographics and change the formatting of the paper to fit the template, including headers and a subtitle for my graphics.