Interracial Understanding Through Education

Title:  Interracial Understanding Through Education

As the one year anniversary of the global shutdown from the Coronavirus pandemic passes, many have stopped to look back on the effects that Covid has had and also the inequities it has unveiled. The pandemic disproportionately affected predominantly black and brown communities and while everything was put on pause, the revelation of modern systemic racism to a wider audience due to social media was on full throttle. There was a surge in hate crimes against Asian Americans and under the last president, xenophobia was a widespread and majorly unchallenged sentiment. Now the United States is under a new administration that has proposed a revised education plan that puts children and their wellbeings first. Therefore, while people are paying attention to the plight of minorities and investing in the youth of the nation, now is an ideal time to encourage and incentivize states to adopt a hands-on education system that prioritizes interracial understanding and embracement to promote unity and prevent future acts of ignorant violence. 


Does the title work?

Is the transition from explaining the rhetorical situation to the thesis smooth?

Did I give enough context and is my issue brief clear?


  1. Toniann Servider says:

    I think your title is clear cut and leads me right to believe what I think your thesis is about so excellent job with that! I believe the transition between your thesis and rhetorical situation ties in very well. The only comment I have is that to add maybe a sentence or two in relation to context about how past education has failed. I think your last sentence is a great at envisioning what the rest of your brief will discuss, you’re on a good path!

  2. Leena Wardeh says:

    Victoria, your title clearly states the main point your issue brief brings about, which I like. I would not suggest changing it. I love how clear and concise your first paragraph was, and I especially enjoy how you were able to incorporate every aspect of your thesis into one, coherent sentence. I think this is a great place to start your issue brief.

  3. dqk5527 says:

    I love this topic, I also think the title is perfect, it’s is short and sweet but right to the point. I also think your transition is smooth, it flows very well into your thesis. I would give just a little more context about education inequities specifically and it will be great!

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