E-Portfolio Setup

For my e-portfolio I’m going to use WordPress with my psu email. I’ve used WordPress all of freshman year with RCL and have become very comfortable with using it. I understand how to post, create sections, insert media, and allow others to comment. I feel that I’ve become proficient at it and I like using the application.

A purpose I might choose for this e-portfolio is to broadcast my best work. Some different tabs could be ‘arguments’ where I showcase my best pieces where I have argued/vouched for something, ‘personal stories’ which could maybe include some of my blogs from the fall semester, ‘research’ where I include different research papers that I have written recently, and ‘speeches’ which would hold some of the speeches I have written.  This portfolio would show a breadth of different writing styles that I am capable of using and give the reader a sense of my writing quality. It would also highlight the different aspects of like that I am passionate about and choose to write.

The target audience for this would be employers or interviewers. This would provide them with an easy way to see samples of my work. The problem with this however is that some of my work may be outdated and I plan to create this site with my psu email. Hopefully though, I will earn an internship and an employment opportunity while in college so I will not need to worry about going back to change my work to more updated samples.


  1. Toniann Servider says:

    I like that you are utilizing word press since it is something you are very familiar with and can navigate well. I think your tabs sound very well organized and I think showcasing your best work over the past year is amazing. I like that you recognized the downside of using word press but how you can also almost work your way around it. I can’t wait to see your e-portfolio!

  2. Leena Wardeh says:

    I had a very similar idea to this! I think this would be a great way to not only do a project but have something useful for future job opportunities. I would love to see some of your advocacy and civic issue blogs as well – they were so well written and need to be shared with the rest of the world!

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