Divided Minorities

In my last Civic Issues blog I discussed how I believe the US is more of a salad bowl than a true melting pot. A salad bowl where each ethnic group kind of sticks together or stays true to their identity instead of everyone residing in the US molding together to form a coherent blend…

Salad Bowl or Melting Pot?

A concept that I find interesting is the notion that America is a melting pot of cultures, races, religions and identities. All these backgrounds and differences blend together to form Americans. Things like the State of Liberty and Uncle Sam represent this ideal that no matter where we come from, we all are Americans once…

Post-Racial Era?

Two pandemics are ravaging concurrently across the United States–the Coronavirus and racism. One book that does a great job of outlining what modern day racial injustice looks like is The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander.  The title says it all. Many feel as though since we elected…