Interracial Understanding Through Education

Title:  Interracial Understanding Through Education As the one year anniversary of the global shutdown from the Coronavirus pandemic passes, many have stopped to look back on the effects that Covid has had and also the inequities it has unveiled. The pandemic disproportionately affected predominantly black and brown communities and while everything was put on pause,…

Divided Minorities

In my last Civic Issues blog I discussed how I believe the US is more of a salad bowl than a true melting pot. A salad bowl where each ethnic group kind of sticks together or stays true to their identity instead of everyone residing in the US molding together to form a coherent blend…

Exigence, Rhetorical Situation, and Audience of my Issue Brief

The conversation on education reform is extremely timely. Low-income communities that are inhabited by black and brown people have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Just the fact that in many privileged neighborhoods, students had a smooth transition to online learning with access to numerous computers and devices to stay connected from home while in…

Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn

My first collegiate winter track season is complete! While it looked different from what I expected due to Covid, I feel I made the most out of it. I came away with two personal bests, a Big Ten conference champion in my event, and an NCAA second-team All American. I’m beyond grateful and appreciative of…

Issue Brief Brainstorming

The issue I am planning on addressing in my brief is the lack of hands-on cultural immersion at grade school levels and a fault in different states’ education systems. Policy discussions occurring right now are systemic racism and education funding. While entrenched racism is something that has perpetuated for centuries, with the increase in awareness…

Salad Bowl or Melting Pot?

A concept that I find interesting is the notion that America is a melting pot of cultures, races, religions and identities. All these backgrounds and differences blend together to form Americans. Things like the State of Liberty and Uncle Sam represent this ideal that no matter where we come from, we all are Americans once…

Time Management

This week’s blog post is on something that I feel I’ve mastered–time management.  Throughout my entire life I’ve been involved in organized activities and since middle school have had the same schedule. I woke up at 6:15, had breakfast, practiced the piano and saxophone before school, went to school school, came home and did homework…

Post-Racial Era?

Two pandemics are ravaging concurrently across the United States–the Coronavirus and racism. One book that does a great job of outlining what modern day racial injustice looks like is The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness by Michelle Alexander.  The title says it all. Many feel as though since we elected…

It’s All About Perspective

Welcome to the first entry of my Penn State Track & Field Student Athlete Blog! Today’s topic is something that I find really important to address, and that’s the perspective I have on things.  There are numerous physical and mental demands that come with training and competing at a high level and it is very…

Passion and Civic Issue Blog Topics

My passion blog is going to be the diary of a student athlete with each entry focusing on a different aspect of being involved in college sports. My civic issues blog topic will be on multiculturalism. The absence of multiculturalism is something I saw daily as I was born and raised in a predominantly white…