Dr. Wagner was a Contributing Editor for the Genomics Law Report from 2012-2018. While that blog is no longer active, archives of Dr. Wagner’s posts are available here as static files without their original formatting or accompanying display items. Posts are displayed in reverse chronological order.
Disclaimers: these blog posts cover areas of law that are subject to change, and interpretations contained therein might be outdated or inaccurate. These archives are provided for educational and informational purposes only. This website does not constitute legal advice or establish an attorney-client relationship. Readers or users should not make decisions based upon information on this website without first seeking advice from a licensed attorney in the reader/user’s jurisdiction. Views expressed are the author’s own and do not reflect positions of any other person or entity. Blog posts might contain links to third party websites, but the author is not responsible for content on any third party website and such links do not constitute or imply any recommendation or endorsement. Use of this information is at the user’s own risk. Blog posts are the author’s intellectual property.
- “A Constitutional Challenge to Alaska’s Genetic Privacy Statute.” July 18, 2017 [Viewable here]
- “Keeping an Eye on ‘Perceived Disability’ Litigation in California: Chadam v. Palo Alto Unified School District.” May 2, 2017 [Viewable here]
- “Disputes continue over foundational patents for gene editing.” April 18, 2017 [Viewable here]
- “An Update on Chadam v. Palo Alto Unified School District.” January 24, 2017 [Viewable here]
- “FDA Issues Guidance for Next Generation Sequencing,” August 4, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “The EEOC’s Final Rule on GINA and Employer-Sponsored Wellness Programs to Take Effect This Month” July 14, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “Litigating the Accountability of Clinical Genomics Laboratories.” May 31, 2016. [Viewable here]
- “Genetic Information as ‘perceived disability’: Chadam v PAUSD.” February 23, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “The Patent Dispute Over Gene Editing Technologies: The Broad Institute, Inc. vs. The Regents of the University of California.” February 4, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “Genetic Discrimination Case Against School District is Appealed to Ninth Circuit.” February 2, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “EEOC Tries to Harmonize ACA’s Promotion of Employer Wellness Programs with GINA’s Ban Against Employer Access to Genetic Information of Employees and Employees’ Family Members.” January 25, 2016 [Viewable here]
- “Australia revokes Myriad’s three patent claims on isolated BRCA1 DNA.” October 19, 2015. [Viewable here]
- “Groundhog Day: FDA and Proposed Oversight of LDTs.” January 22, 2015. [Viewable here]
- “Long Awaited Announcement from the FDA on LDTs.” August 1, 2014. [Viewable here]
- “FTC Takes Action to Protect Consumers from False Genetic Advertising Claims.” July 3, 2014. [Viewable here]
- “Property Rights and the Human Body.” June 11, 2014. [Viewable here]
- “Judicial and Legislative Reactions in California to Maryland v. King, 133 S. Ct. 1958 (2013)” Mar. 31, 2014. [Viewable here]
- “What does the FDA Approval of the MiSeqDx Platform Mean for DTC” Dec. 31, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Update: 23andMe Appeases FDA.” Dec. 6, 2013.[Viewable here]
- “Troubles Keep Coming for 23andMe.” Dec. 5, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “The Sky is Falling on Personal Genomics! Oh, nevermind. It’s just another cease & desist letter from the FDA to 23andMe. Dec. 3, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Revisions to the Ethical Standards for Research,” Nov. 1, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Genomics Research Ethics: Special Rules for HeLa Cells,” Aug. 27, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Ninth Circuit Orders Rehearing of Haskell v. Harris,” Aug. 19, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Approved North Carolina State Budget Includes Funds to Compensate Sterilization Victims,” Aug. 1, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “Looking back at Myriad: A User’s Guide.” June 19, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “DNA Fingerprinting as Routine Arrest Booking Procedure Upheld as Anticipated,” June 10, 2013. [Viewable here]
- “EEOC Files and Settles Its First GINA-based Employment Discrimination Lawsuit on May 7, 2013,” May 13, 2013 [Viewable here]
- “All Eyes on Maryland v. King: Recapping the Supreme Court Oral Argument.” Feb. 27, 2013 [Viewable here]
- “ENCODE, CODIS, and the Urgent Need to Focus on What is Scientifically and Legally Relevant to the DNA Fingerprinting Debate.” Sept 21, 2012, co-authored with Sara Katsanis. [Viewable here]
- “The Burden of Enforcing GINA: EEOC v. Nestle Illustrates One Challenge in Pursuing Genetic Discrimination Claims.” June 20, 2012, co-authored with Daniel Vorhaus [Viewable here]
- “Courts in Unsettled Territory Turn to the Map Available: United States v. Mitchell.” Apr. 2, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “On Genetic Rights and States: A Look at South Dakota and Around the U.S.,” Mar. 20, 2012, co-authored with Daniel Vorhaus [Viewable here]
- “Ninth Circuit Issues Long-Awaited Ruling on Constitutionality of DNA Fingerprinting.” Feb. 27, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “Minnesota the Latest to Weigh in on DNA Fingerprinting of Arrestees,” Feb. 22, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “Alabama’s ‘Genetic Information Privacy Act’ & the Ongoing Need for Personal Genomics Leadership,” Feb. 16, 2012, co-authored with Daniel Vorhaus [Viewable here]
- “North Carolina One Step Closer to Compensating Victims of its Eugenics Program,” Feb. 13, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “Pennsylvania Joins Growing List of States to License Genetic Counselors,” Feb. 6, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “Pennsylvania Seeks Expansion of its Forensic DNA Database,” Jan. 9, 2012 [Viewable here]
- “A New Law to Raise GINA’s Floor in California,” Dec. 7, 2011 [Viewable here]