Mark your calendars for Walk in Penn’s Woods, Sunday, October 1, 2023!
For updated Walk in Penn’s Woods information, visit its new home (
Check out the Where Are the Walks Happening page to see walks that are already planned.
If you are interested in Hosting a Walk in Penn’s Woods, Click Here to complete our online host form. Not sure what hosting a walk entails, visit our Resources for Walk Hosts page for more information.
We hope you continue to get out in Penn’s Woods and create your own woodland adventures. Get out and make your own woodland adventure and report it to us to receive some Walk in Penn’s Woods swag and resources.
Visit the Find a Woodland Adventure Trail or App page for a growing collection of trails to hike in a variety of counties across the state that are available to you at any time. Plus, we have added a growing collection of virtual tours of unique Penn’s Woods forests. Be sure to send us pictures or post them on our Facebook page with the hashtag #mywalkinpennswoods of your adventures in Penn’s Woods or our newly created Instagram page (walk_in_penns_woods).
Walk in Penn’s Woods Contributors
The crowdfunding campaign for the 2022 Walk in Penn’s Woods runs from August 15 through September 9 . You can visit the campaign information site.
2022 Individual Donors and Sponsors
This listing will be shared after September 9.