Translating is too hard (thought blog 2)

Welp… I guess I’m writing a “thought” blog again. I thought I would be ready to start translating, but NO!

I was wrong.

Also I’m glad you guys liked my blog last week. It didn’t take very long and it was easy to write. DAMN. Talking about blogs has reminded me of my group’s deliberation. No offense to my group, but it was BAD. . . Never mind that. Next topic.

I recently joined club tae-kwon-do at Penn State. The practices are 2 hours long 4 times a week, but I still go. I’d sacrifice my grades to kick people in the face. I just came back from tonight’s practice and suddenly realized that I still had to write my blog. I guess I won’t be partying this Friday night. (not that I do party… for legal reasons). Actually I really don’t party a lot. I think I’ve gone to a total of 4 parties in my time at Penn State. Even though its a “party school,” I like that I don’t have to party to fit in. This weekend is State Patties weekend though, and I feel like its a good opportunity and it might be fun.

“Maybe I shouldn’t be talking about parties on a school website…” – my

Nah I don’t care.

(Tell me in the comments: “did you guys do anything fun this weekend? Try to keep it as vague as possible LOL.”)

Oh yeah the 4 parties I went to…

  1. Kicked out (idk why tbh)
  2. Not even allowed in (brought too many people)
  3. They ran out of water
  4. ^ again

Oh god. I’m thinking about all the consequences I’d suffer if my “code” is deciphered. I don’t think I wrote any incriminating information though…

*glances at the clock*

Lol it’s too late.

Welp, its 11:24pm on Friday night. I have to keep what I have or I won’t finish in time. (Also tell me in the comments: “what are you guys doing over spring break?”) I’m going to my friend’s beach house. I NEED THIS SPRING BREAK. I’m barely holding it together right now. I have three exams next week, and I still haven’t studied for 2 of them. Honestly sometimes I wonder if I belong in Schreyer. How did I even get in?!?!? šŸ˜­

Something in the back of my mind just reminded me of my meal plan. I started the semester with $800, and I just got to $600. If I keep spending at this pace, I won’t be able to finish the meal plan. I believe meal plan doesn’t transfer between years, so I’m kinda screwed. Maybe towards the end of the year, I’ll just splurge on sour patch kids or chocolate pretzels or something. At the Redifer market, chocolate covered pretzels are $12!!!! ABSURD!

Maybe I should explain why I’m pushing back my translation by one week. Did I already talk about it before? Lol I didn’t. šŸ„² Um translating is insanely hard. I will do it next week though, I swear… I have to admit, I’m kinda using the blog as an excuse to translate this book. To give myself a sense of urgency. My grandpa and I wanted to work on this project of translating the Water Margin novel for a while now, and after restarting 3 times, I’m finally ready to begin again. Please be patient with me.

Also if you enjoy these “thought” blogs more, let me know, and I might switch to writing these every week. I know this contradicts what I said about using my blog to motivate me into translate the Water Margin novel every week, but honestly I’m having fun writing these, and I need to work on discipline anyways. Discipline to work on the project I’m passionate about. I actually really love this novel, and I think it has one of the best plots of all time, but it’s just so hardddd to translate.

oh shoot, I’m at 647 words. Ā I’ll stop.

3 thoughts on “Translating is too hard (thought blog 2)”

  1. This has been an extremely entertaining post to read because it talks about you and what you feel and that is always interesting to learn about. I really like how you’ve reflected on your time here at Penn State and how you’ve managed to fit in in a different way compared to the vast majority of students. Sometimes being different is more important and more fun too.

  2. I often find writing a blog about my personal opinions is easier and more interesting I guess? But I am always interested in reading translated books or folk books because although I read a lot it is less common for me to read them.

  3. I relate about reaching too many words … my blog posts have gotten longer and longer as time goes, so I apologize for that!!

    I definitely love the thought blog posts more and I’d love to see those every week: it’s rather refreshing. People don’t tend to share their thoughts very much — everyone hides behind a cool, collected exterior and it’s overdone. I’m ready for some raw, real content.

    I would love to read/listen/watch the Water Margin, so let me know if there’s someplace I can check it out!!

    As for spring break, I had plans to go to Mexico or Puerto Rico but my semester has been so hectic that I realized I just want a break from people. So, I’m just honestly relaxing.

    Unpopular opinion, but I personally don’t like the holiday breaks, because I feel that it interrupts the schedule and grind and coming back from break is so hard to get the steam to work again.

    Also, how does a party run out of water??? Even tap water?

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