Global Society…
Why is this all important? Well, we are shifting to a global world view. Technology has increased our “Connectivity” to a point of simultaneous existence, quantum computing. The concept of the United States being a “Melting pot” is now one of a “Melting World”.
This “Melting World Pot”, requires the domain of Adult Education to expand to understand more then being a woman in a man’s world, a Black Woman in White man’s world, a Black Woman in White Woman’s world, a Lesbian in a Gay Man’s world, a White Gay Man in White Heterosexual Man’s world… and so on and so on. I am not denying the significance, I am wanting to make a point; there are many permutations, and in our world the permutations are only going to grow. Adult Education is attempting to understand the dynamics of these histories, the context of the factors, for the individual identity, and the complex social perceptions.
The recognition of the permutations needing to be understood: (here are just some)
- Multicultural
- MultiRacial
- Difference between cultures, communities and regions, race, gender
- The impact of combined disparities, and if there is this prevention of inclusion and increasing alienation due to this “multi-being”.
- Visual and invisible factors. Wheel Chair, Dyslexia, ADHD, cultural behaviors…
- LGBTQ community in each race, gender, culture, invisible and visible factors, and community/region.
Socioculturally learned elements needs to be researched, taught, and we need to attempt to understand the differing cultures. And then self-reflect on our personal experiences within this global world we live in. Also, this will help address and explain the action of “cultural preservation”, so many people ascribe to. Conversely, I have been raised with this idea of being a “Global Citizen” within my religious roots my entire life. Those religious roots are embedded in a very diverse ethnic upbringing, especially with moving all over the world.
But what is a “Global Citizen”? Does this citizen look at everyone as human-being without differences, and seeks to treat them equally as their friend and family? The first search on Google brings up, and belonging to this organization is to end global poverty. As people living in a world with technology bringing us simultaneously, closer and farther apart, how are we to understand the various dynamics of the perceptions we have of each other and then ourselves?
I tried to look up a term for forms of cultures melding together, and found a few terms referring to forms of culturation (noun, to cultivate, culture):
Assimilation: two cultures compete is assimilation of the minority culture into the majority culture. The minority culture gradually loses all of the markers that set it apart as a separate culture in the first place.
[Maintaining] enough of the cultural markers of language, tradition, and food from the minority culture are maintained for the members to be able to recognize themselves as a distinct culture, then it is said to have undergone acculturation instead of assimilation. This type of change is much more likely to happen during voluntary migrations or peaceful coexistence, rather than as a result of the conquests or forced coexistence that typically characterize assimilation.
[A]cculturation is also a two-way process because both cultures will still change and be affected by each other. To return to the cooking analogy, acculturation would be akin to adding an ingredient that is still recognizable in the final meal: basil leaves into an omelet, for example. This ingredient can still be distinctly recognized in the final dish, but both the ingredient and the product are different than before the acculturation. (Kinda like the fashionable “FUSHION” cooking restaurants that appear everywhere. This makes me feel food maybe a very significant cultural marker, instead of a shallow one.)
Enculturation is the process by which an individual learns the norms and values of a culture through unconscious repetition.
Assimilation reminds me of the Borge from Star Trek. Acculturation, sounds great, as one group belongs to two groups, but is allowed to build an identity of themselves to belong and feel comfort in their roots. Acculturation sound very inclusive to me. Enculturation, well this one isn’t so simple, as there is more to the unconscious repetition for norms and values. The “values” component is a big issue, because this can cause the dissonance which frustrates so many and divides us.
Designers, Artists, and business recognize…
To examine the culturation from a different perspective, I follow Jenny Shen, since she views the cultural differences from a Visual Cultural view with exploration of UX and designing for multiculturalism through your mobile device… you know that additional appendage we take everywhere, including the toilet! You know exactly what I mean, and I use this example to prove a point. Our cultures and associated iconography is being learned, and melded ubiquitously. The meanings people are trying to understand and applied culturation various domains and looking for answers. Take a good look at the graphic Jenny Shen, cites from Erin Meyer, INSEAD professor and author of The Culture Map, analyzed cultural differences in communication norms. Another definition of Global Citizen “is someone who sees themselves as part of an emerging sustainable world community, and whose actions support the values and practices of that community. Many people today identify with being global citizens as more and more aspects of their lives become globalized.” There is that word “values” again! My question is, which community’s values? We need one value everyone knows.
Where is Adult Education’s place in dealing with all of these permutations of “culturation” into context of place and time over a lifetime?
One perspective to start the dialogue…
Significantly, I am implying, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, and all these perceptions, are a form of visual culture, and our cultures have us engage in unconscious repetitions, and enculturate us to view, skin color, body language and vocal tonation, to the race, gender, sexuality, nationality and religions, to feelings and ideas, concepts and perception of others and ourselves. When we understand this process of enculturation, and have this dialogue about our perception of ourselves and others, with empathy and understanding, maybe we can build connections and not walls. Because as human beings, we all feel emotions; good, bad, happy, sad, loved, neglected, and more. These feelings are our ways to bridge the tangible perceptions in this Zone of Aesthetic Impact. These feelings are what Adult Education needs to document, to build empathy, and understanding between human beings and make a true concept of “Global Citizens”.
For me, a Global Citizen is a person who may empathize and feel deeply for another human, and with those feelings build bonds and connections, which allow each other to coexist with each other.
coexist– the state or condition of living in harmony despite different ideologies or interests. Tolerance is not enough anymore, because those feelings of disagreement may just grow. Besides, tolerance is another form of allowing injustice. The online dictionary actually give the example, “tolerance of corruptions.” Makes me think of Desmond Tutu, “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.”
I find the mentors, and professors throughout my life are trying to build inclusivity. I find Pennsylvania State University is trying to do build understanding and inclusivity for all of us. One example is OutReach, World Campus mission statement for world wide learning. But as you see in my long post about “other-ing”, perception, and visual culture, in a giant Global Melting Pot; how hard this task can be in our little town of State College… and I saw the signs and effort when I lived there. They are inclusive to everyone, but every culture experesses this differently, as Professor Myer’s Chart shows.
Maybe a solution…
If we can start empathizing, and strip away those tangible factors, to focus on each others feelings, maybe we can start understanding each other. What situation and context, is our part of the world placing us in, and how can we make it better for each other and not just ourselves. But our first step is to understand the complexities of our globalization, multiculturalism, our new “Global Melting Pot”. I feel Adult Education is moving this way, and I feel very positive the domain of Adult Education will move to a solution of building voices of empathy, for understanding, cooperation, and a future of “equity” for all.
Final thanks to the artists who publish their work for free use on Unsplash. Click on any picture to see more of their work.