AR is revolutionizing education!

Photo credit: Photo credit: Really? Augmented Reality (AR) sounds like a newly emerging technology, but it has been around longer than most people realize. Way before personal computer came into being, in 1901, an author Frank Baum first mentioned this idea of an electronic display that overlays data onto real life. Then, in 1974, […]

Social media is needed for learning, really?

When you are asked “what are social media?”, what would you think of? Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat? How would you use these social media in learning? Synchronous discussion, find outside resources, or keeping connected with classmates? These are the questions we normally get stuck because we could have misunderstood them from the beginning. Social media […]

Do you really understand incidental learning?

Formal and informal learning have been talked about in educational fields for years. People have an approximately common understanding of formal learning, which is the learning normally delivered by teachers in a systematic intentional way within a school, academy/college/institute or university. Yet, the definition of informal learning varies from person to person. Two major views […]