As online distance education courses continue to expand their reach and serve a broader audience, we are required to understand the affordances and challenges of supporting equitable learning environments. The globalization of online distance education requires instructional designers and educators to work outside of their own bias to address a learner population that represents a […]
Category: Personalize Learning
How to Realize Individual Learning in Small Groups?
Disclaimer: I do not have an answer to it. Like the questions listed in my last post named “Individual Learning within Groups in an Online Course: Who Cares?”, we are still in the process of finding answers to achieve group learning without sacrificing individual learning opportunities. A large number of research teams and projects are […]
Individual Learning within Groups in an Online Course: Who Cares?
It is the continuous discussions within the GA groups around social media, personalized learning, and collaborative learning that leads to this blogpost. In particular, this post attempts at inquiring questions including: What is group learning? How do individuals learn in a group? What is the role of technology during this learning experience? Group learning: […]
You better WORK that brain!
When my group discusses ideas of cognitive load theory, the image of a brain weightlifting comes to my mind. The theory of Cognitive Load exists in the realm of educational psychology. However, shouldn’t there be a way to measure work the brain does, much like the weights are a measurement of the increased strength we gain […]