Meet the Researchers

Rick Shearer (Director)

B. Sc.

MBA in Finance

M. Ed. in Educational Technology

D. Ed. in Adult Education

Over the past 30 years I have been involved in the field of distance education as a practitioner, a faculty member, and a researcher. I have led instructional design units for both public and private institutions and have taught a variety of course online. Currently I am the instructor of record for ADTED 531 – Instructional Design for Distance Education and I am leading the research agenda for the GA Fellows that are associated with the World Campus through our relationship with the Learning, Design, and Technology department in the School of Education.

At heart I am a water person, both frozen and liquid. When I am not writing, teaching, or conducting research you can probably find me skiing, sailing, or involved in other water sports. I am also an active cyclist when time permits.


Current Fellows


Xinyun Peng (Researcher)

Fall 2016 – Present

I am a graduate research assistant with Learning Design and a full-time Ph.D. student in the Learning, Design, and Technology program at Penn State University.

I transitioned from the field of biology to learning design and received my M.Ed. in Instructional Design from the University of Oklahoma before coming to Penn State. My passion about learning design lies in technology-enhanced informal learning environments. I’m also interested in any learning-design-related skills, such as visual design and web development.

I am from the Sichuan (or Szechuan) province of China, a place famous for spicy food and pandas. Unfortunately, she is not a big fan of spicy food, but she does love pandas!




Junxiu Yu (Researcher)

Fall 2016 – Present

Hi. I am a doctoral student from Learning, Design, and Technology program at Penn State. Also, I am now working as a graduate assistant for Learning Design, World Campus.

I received my B.A. from China, majoring in English. Later, when pursuing M.A. for Applied Linguistics with specialization in English education, I realized my lack of a systematic understanding of learning theories and practices. Being a believer of the potentials and chances that technology brings for learning (e.g. online learning), I decided to continue study educational technology.

Before started the doctoral program, my research interest solely lies in cognition. However, with more familiar with learning sciences, I began to see the power of collaborative learning in complex problem solving, decision making, and new knowledge construction. To me, learning is never separable, no matter between individual or group, inside or outside the “brain”. Therefore, I am seeking to unfold learning phenomena within a specific environment using multi-level analysis, i.e. both cognition at individual level and collaboration at group level.

My hometown is Ningbo, Zhejiang province in China, where you could easily find various types of seafood. So, if you are a big fan of seafood, especially cheap seafood, come to Zhejiang and enjoy!



Sonia Tiwari (Researcher)

Spring 2018- Present

I’m a Visual Designer turned Educational Researcher. I have a BS in Film, MFA in Animation and currently pursuing PhD in Learning, Design, and Technology at Penn State. I’ve previously worked as a Game Designer and UX designer in CA, and taught Toy and Game Design at National Institute of Design, India.

My research focus is Design and Evaluation of Public Media for Early Education (Pre-K through Grade 2). My studies are funded by the GA Fellowship with PSU’s World Campus.

I’m originally from India and have lived in San Francisco Bay Area for a decade before relocating to State College. Between my several relocations within India, Silicon Valley and Happy Valley, I’m grateful for the diversity I’ve experienced so far!

I’m an avid crafter, hobbyist musician and known to bring up ’30 Rock’ references in everyday conversations.
I might as well be Liz Lemon in real life!

I’m Dyslexic, but it has rather been an asset in simplifying and visualizing ideas. I’m always thinking of new design/research concepts to the point that my idea journal has overflown with notes and sketches. In the last few years I’ve learned the hard lesson of implementing my top ideas instead of taking pride in (and stopping at) brainstorming!

Personal Site(s):


Past Fellows


Tugce Aldemir (Researcher)

Fall 2015 – Summer 2018

 Hello. I am a PhD candidate in Learning, Design and Technology major at the Pennsylvania State University College of Education. I am also a graduate assistant in Learning Design unit, PSU World Campus.

I received my bachelor of science degree in the Computer Education and Instructional Technology Department at the Middle East Technical University, Turkey. During my bachelor studies, I designed some Flash games, and this experience helped me notice that I am quite interested in games and the notion of fun. So, why so serious!? Later, I received my master of science degree in the same department at the same university. I conducted some Human-Computer Interaction studies with eye-tracking device (TOBII) and a research on serious games for stroke patients, and wrote my master thesis on gamification of learning experiences. During my master studies, I worked as a graduate assistant in Instructional Technology Support Office, and provided LMS support to faculty and students. I also designed guideline materials for LMS, organized and provided in-house LMS trainings for faculty members, and conducted a research on the migration to a new LMS. Meanwhile, I also worked as an instructional designer in a private company, and designed educational simulations.

After I completed my master, I came to PSU to pursue PhD Degree, and I started working as a graduate assistant at World Campus. I am a curious person; therefore, I love working on different subjects such as gamification of learning experiences, community building in online collaborative learning environments, fun in learning, ludafication, and emotions in learning process. I also love designing “things” even though I am not an expert in it.

I am enthusiastic and fun person (right, friends? :)). I am from Izmir, a Mediterranean city in Turkey. So, my natural habitat is warm and humid places  with  awesome beaches. I am also a big Harry Potter geek.


Donny Tusler (Researcher)

Fall 2015 – Summer 2018

Hello! I am a Ph.D. student within the Learning Performance Systems Program at the Pennsylvania State University College of Education. I have followed my belief in creative education, which has resulted in me BA’s in Art Education and Studio Art, Minors in Museum Studies and Art History from Florida State University. Furthermore, I hold an M.Ed. in Instructional Systems from Penn State University, and during this time gained expertise in Accessibility and Usability with TLT (Teaching and Learning with Technology).

Additionally, I have practical application of my studies; working as a Learning Consultant with Wiley helping to migrate and rapidly develop of content for Utica College as they move from Angel LMS to Moodle LMS. I enjoyed developing program policies, implementing technologies, and training the Utica faculty in their new LMS. Part of my time with Utica was spent earning certifications in practical applications of designing and teaching online with Quality Matters.  This experience in Distance Education brought me back to World Campus to work with Learning Design to conduct research and, further my passion for education and the learning sciences. Coming here has allowed me to focus my studies on Adaptive Learning, Informal Learning, and Distance Education, in hopes to improving learning in online settings.

On a personal note, I am a first generation Asian American and military brat, who has traveled to many places. I love trying new foods and appreciate the Arts. The Visual Arts and museums, hold a special place in my heart. I maintain a desire to create through drawing and ceramics as a hobby.
Personal Site(s): Donny K Tusler Portfolio |  LinkedIn DkTusler