Buenos dias.

Just a brief follow up about our Spanish & Counseling summer program in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Since the last notice we received many questions, including….

1) What is the Spanish prerequisite?

We have classes for all levels of Spanish, including 1A (aka “Novice”) thru “nearly fluent”. Of course, the more Spanish you know the more you’ll understand during the field shadowing and volunteer participation.

If you’d like to “ramp up” your language skills before the program begins, we will have a special “early arrival discount” for participants that want to come a week or so early.

2) Can I register for the program now?

Unfortunately, no. Well over 150,000 college students are in the social sciences and we can only have 70 (two sessions of 35) in the program as we have a strict limit of shadowing and volunteer slots. The process will be a hybrid of application/lottery beginning shortly after Thanksgiving break.

If you have not done so, you should request more information so you will have everything you need by then.


Gracias y saludos,


Cecilia Quezada, C.S.I.
“Chief Spanish Immersionologist”