Before coming to Penn State, I was worried I would not be able to make any friends because of all the restrictions placed upon students. This fear only grew during my first two weeks because other than my roommate and… Continue Reading →
Not being on campus for the entire school year, the only thing I did that is related to Penn State was taking Zoom classes, and there were not really any memorable moments from the classes. However, something did happen during… Continue Reading →
When I think back on good memories at Penn State it is hard to pick just one out above the rest. I have a tendency to focus on the present, the recent past, and the near future. As a result,… Continue Reading →
Having a modified Penn State experience this year, my favorite Penn State memory may be underwhelming compared to the typical answers students have, such as the White Out football game, tail gating, or freshman orientation week. While these experiences would… Continue Reading →
I am a sophomore studying Computer Science and Math at Penn State University. Although I only lived on Penn State Campus for less than a year, I can still recall all these productive fun times I came across in my… Continue Reading →
The past year has undoubtedly been challenging. It seems as though nearly every aspect of our lives, in some way, has been transformed by the ongoing pandemic. While many of these changes are often associated with negative experiences, there have… Continue Reading →
As a student who is passionate about politics, I was saddened to find that Penn State did not have many explicitly political student organizations. Moreover, of the few orgs that did exist, I was not able to find an existing… Continue Reading →
I’ve only been on the Penn State campus for no longer than a year due to the pandemic, and while here, the most memorable aspect has been my experience in the Pattee and Paterno Library. I enjoy studying in this… Continue Reading →
With the COVID-19 pandemic, my sophomore year was interesting, to say the least. I became a mentor in an organization called “BLUEprint” and I also had just gotten an executive board position for “Dark Storm”, the step team that I’m… Continue Reading →
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