1. Currently, I feel like my first year of college went so fast but I did so much. 2. This semester I learned that attending college is more than just attending classes. 3. I will remember the day I moved… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel excited to be fully vaccinated. This semester I learned that I can double major and still graduate in 4 years (hopefully). I will remember the work ethic I developed to tackle online school. Over the summer I… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel like I have learned a lot this year and am ready for summer. This semester I learned that I need to sit less and give myself a break sometimes. I will remember the online school experience and… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel like the days are flying by and these past two semesters have felt a lot quicker than I imagined them to be. This semester I learned that college is not as easy as I thought it was… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel like I’m ready to move out and start life on my own. This semester I learned that maybe I don’t want to be an engineer. I will remember that I just have to take things one day… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel ready for my life to take off once the pandemic is over. This semester I learned that patience is key to any friendship, and understanding someone else’s point of view makes a good friend. I will remember… Continue Reading →
Currently, I feel like I am excited to go home for the summer. This semester I learned how to adapt to and learn when classes are online. I will remember all of the memories I made this year. This summer… Continue Reading →
The past year has undoubtedly been challenging. It seems as though nearly every aspect of our lives, in some way, has been transformed by the ongoing pandemic. While many of these changes are often associated with negative experiences, there have… Continue Reading →
As a student who is passionate about politics, I was saddened to find that Penn State did not have many explicitly political student organizations. Moreover, of the few orgs that did exist, I was not able to find an existing… Continue Reading →
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic preventing me from being on campus, my first year at PSU was still filled with many great memories that are important to remember. One of my first “social” events was a quick meet and greet with… Continue Reading →
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