WE ARE Looking Forward to a Normal School Year

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The Big Ten According to Matt

1. Currently, I feel like my first year of college went so fast but I did so much. 2. This semester I learned that attending college is more than just attending classes. 3. I will remember the day I moved… Continue Reading →

The Big 10 According to Arshi

Currently, I feel like I need to catch up with my friends. This semester I learned how to socialize and make connections without physically meeting people. I will remember how happy I was when I got my internship offer. Over… Continue Reading →

The Big Ten According To Sam Rennard

Currently, I feel like I am excited to go home for the summer.  This semester I learned how to adapt to and learn when classes are online.   I will remember all of the memories I made this year.  This summer… Continue Reading →

Penn State Memories

Before coming to Penn State, I was worried I would not be able to make any friends because of all the restrictions placed upon students. This fear only grew during my first two weeks because other than my roommate and… Continue Reading →

Meeting Memorable People

The pAlthough this school year has been nothing like I had imagined, one thing I’m going to remember is all of the amazing people I’ve met and the friends I’ve made. Without Penn State, I would not have some of… Continue Reading →

Positive Pandemic Memories

With the COVID-19 pandemic, my sophomore year was interesting, to say the least. I became a mentor in an organization called “BLUEprint” and I also had just gotten an executive board position for “Dark Storm”, the step team that I’m… Continue Reading →

Making Friendships During Online Classes

Over the last academic year, a lot of people had bad memories and hardships throughout their online school experience.  Even though I have also had quite a few hardships, there were also a lot of worthwhile memories that came out… Continue Reading →

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