WE ARE Looking Forward to a Normal School Year

Tag Lockdown

A Quarantine To Remember

This year has been full of memories, none of which were normal. It feels like the majority of my memories are just sitting around in my apartment, watching Netflix, going to practice, or doing schoolwork. However, there are some positives… Continue Reading →

Social Media & Quarantine’s Impact

Social media has a tremendous impact on people and society. This has always been the case but it was clearly seen during the pandemic, and still seen today. But specifically from late March into early summer, we were all stuck… Continue Reading →

Lockdown Home Activities

haBecause of COVID-19, everyone across the world has had to bring things they did outside into their home. For example, many people made home gyms, gave themselves haircuts, had virtual happy hours, cooked a gourmet meal, and so many other… Continue Reading →

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