Kardashian’s Plane Ride

Hello everyone! I’m back with another post and this week I am talking about the Kardashian’s recent plane ride. i encourage you to read the link, but basically Kim, Kanye, and others took a Boeing 747, which is HUGE, privately. brb crying in poor.  Now don’t judge me, but I am a supporter of the Kardashians (Kim is my fav). I think they are smart business women and super entertaining. But, I don’t think this justifies the outrageous spending, such as on this plane. This sparked a lot of controversy online and people were outraged, arguing it was “criminal” and so unhealthy for the environment.

Here is what some Penn State students had to say! (The first two questions were answered after viewing the videos and the rest after reading the article.)

What is your first impression of this?: My goals. I aspire to be able to live this kind of life. I am very jealous of them.

If you had the money, would you do something like this?: Absolutely. Me and all of my friends would have an amazing trip. I would fill that plane up!! (The plane has a capacity of 660 by the way.)

Do you think this has a big impact on the environment?: Honestly I feel guilty about my first response because I didn’t even think about the environmental repercussions. So yes, it is cool to live that life, but they still can be luxurious and not kill the environment. What happened to a good ole private jet?!

As people of power and in the spotlight, what can they do better?: They should make visible efforts to actually conserve and practice more environmentally friendly ways.


What is your first impression of this?: They are so dumb this is such a waste.

If you had the money, would you do something like this?: Um no. I would get a smaller plane maybe, but this is just unnecessary and impractical.

Do you think this has a big impact on the environment?: Yes!!! Sure people won’t follow their lead because no one with that kind of money is so stupid. All that fuel used on them to spice up their social media is ridiculous.

As people of power and in the spotlight, what can they do better?: They can educate themselves and show off in an environmentally conscious way.


What is your first impression of this?: That I am so broke wow. I wish I had this kind of money!! How fun does this look?!

If you had the money, would you do something like this?: Maybe not this because it is a huge plane for not that many people. But, if I had Kardashian West money I would do some crazy things like this! A private jet all over the world, yes please.

Do you think this has a big impact on the environment?: Definitely. It is cool to look at, but it is such a bad use of all that energy and fuel. Those planes are not for renting. Instead they should rent that plane and bring over refugees or people seeking asylum rather than themselves to a fancy trip.

As people of power and in the spotlight, what can they do better?: Like I said, using the money for good. I don’t think they are bad people, just impulsive with money and too caught up in appearance. I believe they can do better!!

So there you have it! PSU students, regardless of their opinion on the Kardashians, all can agree this was super wasteful. There are so many amazing things they can do for others with their money, while still having a luxurious lifestyle. What do you think? Let me know in the comments below! (: Thanks for reading


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