Top 10 Animated Disney Movies

This weekend, besides working on homework, I spent my time revisiting old Disney movies I hadn’t seen in a while.  And I decided to list my top 10 favorite animated Disney movies.  This list is based on my opinion and I will not include any movies from Pixar (I may make a separate list for it though)

Cutest Couple!
Cutest Couple!

Number 10: Rescuers

The movie my mom says I couldn’t stop watching when I was just a kid.  Watching now, I understand why.  The adventure of Bernard and Miss Bianca saving Penny from Madame Medusa was a thrilling ride I would still love to take in real life.  Plus, Miss Bianca was an inspiration (along with many others) for me in both facing challenges and reminding me that women can be adventurous and willing to fight which, at the time I first watched this movie, was a big deal for me because I still had the stereotypical “stay at home mom” type in my head.  So, thanks Miss Bianca!

An accurate representation of sisters
An accurate representation of sisters

Number 9: Frozen

Ah yes, Frozen.  Of course this had to pop up somewhere on my list.  With the catchy songs that you can annoy your family with, this movie is number 9 on my list.  Although seriously, I love Anna and Elsa and everyone else in the movie (Except for you Hans, well, maybe a little), Elsa reminded me that I should feel comfortable flaunting my talents and Anna reminded me that the best people in your life will love you for you.  Frozen almost made me want to bear hug my sister by the time I finished the movie (She bites though so that’s why I say “almost”).

Because the stained glass is perfect
Because the stained glass is perfect in this movie

Number 8: Beauty and the Beast

My favorite Disney Princess movie as well.  Beauty and the Beast was a movie that inspired my love of reading.  Belle was a character who taught me that you should be kind to everyone no matter how they look (Although if they lock your dad up then it’s totally reasonable) and that it’s OK to be different and defying social norms isn’t something that should feared or ridiculed because sometimes following a “Gaston” isn’t a good idea.

Enjoy this screen cap of Tarzan's parents
Enjoy this screen cap of Tarzan’s parents

Number 7: Tarzan

Possibly the first thing to teach me what adoption means, Tarzan had the best soundtrack of all of the Disney Movies (Along with Lion King and again this is my opinion)  But, I learned most of my lessons from Kerchak and Kala.  Kala’s motherly attitude toward Tarzan clashing with Kerchak’s “He’s not my son” attitude was brand new for me and made me question how other people’s parents were and that not every family is the same.[2]
My hair in the summer…

Number 6: Oliver and Company

The movie based on Oliver Twist with a twist (haha see that corny pun?).  The animals were so funny and there relationship with Fagin was adorable.  Plus, the songs!  Always so catchy and fun.  Plus, Oliver and Jenny were so cute!  And Georgette, oh Georgette, that fabulous poodle.  Plus, the somewhat sketchy animation from old Disney movies is what I live for.  The characters helped me understand that sometimes people will do bad things because they are desperate (Looking at you Fagin) and challenged my notion of villains.

Scar looks so sassy, oh wait that's just his face
Scar looks so sassy, oh wait that’s just his face

Number 5: The Lion King

The officially 2nd best Disney movie starts my top 5.  I like it for mostly obvious reasons like the songs (Especially “Hakuna Matata”) and the Hamlet inspired story line.  Plus, it’s a movie my whole family bonds over and has fun with.  Especially with the inside jokes we came up with.  It also taught me you can’t always trust family, which sadly becomes very useful in my life.

Wish I was that strong
Wish I was that strong

Number 4: Hercules

Another movie my mother claims I watched too much when I was little.  Hercules was a movie I was attracted to because of all the action.  I always remember watching the epic Hydra vs Hercules fight in my girlish pastel PJ’s and cheering when Hercules finally cut the Hydra’s heads off.  Watching the movie, then and now, reminds me that you can be great with enough drive and perseverance (Although god-like strength would be great you know…).

Esmeralda's so done with Frollo
Esmeralda’s so done with Frollo

Number 3: The Hunchback of Notre Dame

This one’s an interesting one on my list because I saw it for the first time just last year.  And yet it has taken up my number 3 spot.  I didn’t even learn anything I didn’t know from this movie (Which I described in the past choices).  But, it takes up my number 3 spot because, while I know a basic history of France at that time, the movie just made it more real for me.  The way the story flowed was amazingly executed and the characters were some of the most dynamic characters I had seen in a while.  The songs “Hellfire” and “God Help the Outcasts” were also ones that struck me and still haunt with me to this day.

AKA what I say when I take an exam
AKA what I say when I take an exam

Number 2: Wreck-it-Ralph

This movie came so close to being #1 and may be as time passes.  But for now it stays as #2.  I really like video games so I was immediately drawn to it, and the cute and awesome characters made me like it even more.  But, when I saw Wreck-it-Ralph for the first time I was having some self-confidence issues (And I still do but it’s significantly decreased) and for one reason or another this movie got me out of my slump and gave me a little bit of a boost.  It might have been because on some level I could Identify with Ralph because I know what it’s like to be alone and not be able to connect with anyone and not being able to accept myself as I am.

*Too busy crying to type a caption*
*Too busy sobbing to type a caption*

Number 1: Lilo and Stitch

This movie as #1 honestly surprised me after a while.  At first it wasn’t my most favorite but rewatching it over and over it slowly developed into my favorite.  Besides liking it for the obvious reasons like it’s in outer space and Hawaii and we have a mad scientist and the cute fluff-ball of destruction and all the comedy and Elvis references, Lilo and Stitch ended up helping me in many ways that I never thought I would encounter in my life.  Like I said with Ralph I could connect with Lilo because it was hard for me to connect with others when I was younger.  But, now, I mostly ended up connecting with Nani in the way that we had to grow up a little faster than everyone else in our age range.  Nani ended up teaching me to be there for my family at a time where everything was difficult.  And for that I’m thankful.

Well, those are my top 10 choices for Animated Disney Movies.  Hopefully you enjoyed it and now if you’ll excuse me I’ll be watching some more Disney Movies.  Feel free to leave your favorite movie in the comments if you want!

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