RCL 9 TED Talk


  • Over our lifetimes, we have all contributed to the decline of the world as we know it through our decisions, actions, and lifestyles we choose to lead.

Introduction: (how it relates to paradigm shift)

  • Everyone has their version of The American Dream or in other words their life goals. These goals that we set for ourselves are the driving force of what path we decide to take. But have we begun to put ourselves first too often and forget about more pressing issues?
  • Just in the past 40 years, the United States has seen a spike in working solely for self interest. Our Dream has changed from family interests and being a hard worker to money, status, and power. Some of you may not see a problem with this set of ideals but in reality, it has blinded the American population from problems that are not so distant in our future. As of today, the world is heading down a rocky path but we have the ability to fix that.


  • Government Corruption
    • The criminal justice system is full of corruption
      • Meat eaters, grass eaters




  • Climate Change
    • Recent hurricanes due to the countless amounts of toxins we pour into our atmosphere
    • Forgetful of how our actions are affecting our environment
    • Bliss – no hurricanes, no total destruction that we have no way of stopping
  • Politics
    • We have been taking the two parties and creating a nation divided amongst itself
    • Tension continues to increase because of the dirty politics
    • Not what it used to be when it was first created
  • Stereotyping/bias
    • It ultimately limits opportunities
    • You can be blinded by the potential there is in a situation due to how opinionated you are

How to Face Future Without Fear:

  • By taking our personal dream, altering it to fit society as a whole, we can ban together as one to conquer eventual problems. Taking hardships on with the assistance of others is the best way to achieve an outcome you’re content with.


  • In my Science and Art of Human Flourishing class, we conducted a poll of “How many people would choose happiness as their ultimate goal?”
    • We found that over half of the class of 60 people said yes
  • This Dream of fortune and fame is not one that will supply you a lifetime of happiness. It is a temporary fix to the suffering the world is facing.

Closing Statement:

  • Our future isn’t something already mapped out for us, there is no destiny or fate set in place. The future is ours, a readily available place that we have the power to build and shape through our actions. So always keep that in the back of your head so the next time you’re faced with a decision. Afterall, it’s what we do NOW that will affect us LATER.


RCL 8 Paradigm Shift

American Dream

Thesis :


With time and changing eras, the dream seemed to alter to fit society’s wants and needs. It challenged beliefs that people were set on and forced new lifestyles. The linkage between the individual and society is from what an individual think the American Dream is. Their aspirations decide their actions which ultimately cause shifts in society. The American Dream has occupied numerous different meanings and ideals that are continuously changing.


The term “American Dream” means something different to each and every one of us. It’s a crucial part in the way we live our lives and what we decide to pursue. Every since the dream came to be in the 1920’s, it has been altering to the circumstances of the world.



  • Pink Houses By John Mellencamp 1983
  • Born in the USA By Bruce Springsteen 1984
  • America by Neil Diamond (immigrants) 1980
  • American girl by tom petty 1976


Immigrant views of the dream




  • The Great Gatsby


  • Started to acquire a longing for material objects
  • Greed
  • Ultimately led to the stock market crash and the great depression of 1929 – the balance.com



  • James Truslow Adams in 1931, “life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement” regardless of social class or circumstances of birth – loc.gov
  • Millions of suffering americans
    • 25% unemployment
  • FDR elected and promised to make americans lives better
    • Social security act, new deal – history.com
    • Patriotism through the roof
  • Japan bombing pearl harbor stimulated american industry and therefore put an end to the Great Depression – history.com



  • Women in factories men still overseas
  • Women in workplace created a huge step for feminism
    • Working is most women’s american dream
  • Instead of simply wanting a husband, a family, and a place to call home, they now had the opportunity to seek out employment, a new financial freedom. This would allow a woman with or without a husband to make her own money, to be a contributor to the daily allowance instead of just receiving. By the time the war was over, instead of running back to their homes, women began to take on more jobs in the workplace until they married or became pregnant. – ultraswank
  • Support for the troops – ads, magazines
  • Becoming more of a consumer society – war bonds, buying food to send troops
  • At the end of ww2, the american dream shifted slightly
    • Perfect american household
      • Suburban house, steady job, married, with kids


1950’s – ultraswank

  • Opportunities and futurism
  • Music, theater and film were taking off
    • Opportunity surrounded americans
  • Parents truly believed it when they told their children they could be anything they wanted to be
  • 1955 space race and futurism
    • Failing to beat russia to space but still pushed forward everyday technologies such as fridges, washing and drying machines, computers in the workplace
  • 40 and 50 maintained backbone of hard work, family value, and hope



  • peace , freedom and equality
  • Vietnam war – sparked anti war protests
  • Equality and rights mainly blacks and women
    • Martin luther king jr speech



  • World peace and a better richer life
  • Space exploration curiosity – exhibit
  • Working hard to support family
  • Everyone had the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness



  • Economy in recession
  • carefree , fun, making money
  • Hard times for farmers – crop prices declines – exhibit



  • Money, power, status
  • Much like 80s but more developed
  • Individual success, fame, fortune – exhibit


Present day

  • Get rich, buy a house and a car, support a family without much hard work
  • Getting jobs that prove money to get rich quick – exhibit


How this will affect the future

  • The future’s not looking bright right now. We are so focused on the things we can accomplish to benefit ourselves that we are forget about the bigger picture. The United States has been ignoring critical facts about this earth whether it be climate change or increasing criminality. The world is so set in their selfish ways that it’s going to take a huge phenomenon to change the American Dream to that of kindness and pure caring for others.
  • Overlooked
  • Heading down the wrong path
  • Even though there are people who are pushing for a better future, the Individualistic feel proves to be a concrete aspect of the Dream.

RCL 7 Photography

Addario’s whole life work revolves around photographs. The pictures she chose to be in her book all play a part in portraying the reason she shares her life. Her photographs really play on readers emotions and allow them to physically see the reality that Addario writes about. By using imagery, her readers can more easily relate to Addario’s experiences.

My favorite photograph is on the sixth page between 210 and 211. The photo is a close up of an African American woman with a tears streaming down her cheeks. Her eyes are closed or looking down showing the high amounts of sorrow she is feeling. This photo really caught my attention because the background is faded out and her face is crystal clear. There are so many emotions encompassed within her one facial expression. I felt empathy towards the subject of this photo.

The second image that really caught my eye was the 14th page between 210 and 211. The Somali children are trying to feed a woman that is suffering from dehydration and hunger. This photo caught my eye because it gives a sense of community through hard times. In a sense, hope is shown through the children wanting to help. Optimistic feelings arose in me when I looked closer into this picture. The children are representing a new generation that are already striving for better times and conditions than what the woman has been through.

Like Addario, I hope to incorporate images into my blog for the use of attention grabbers, aesthetics, and to add to the content of my blog. The photos I chose will take a play on pathos. I want my blog to be interesting and a lot of times people are drawn to images instead of wordy paragraphs. Photos can tell a whole story without using a single word. As for the aesthetics, I find myself actually interested in things that present a nice visual. I like colors that go together and having an overall theme. I really think the photos I use will bring the whole blog post together.


RCL 6: Personal Conflicts

In Part III of It’s What I Do, Addario was very open with her internal conflicts with her life and her work. On page 146, the passage that stuck out to me most was, “Over the years I forced myself to be creative…..I wanted them to linger, to ask questions.” She was really starting to question her work and why she does it. She wrote, “ I was conflicted about making money from images of people who were so desperate (Addario 146).” She felt guilty for making money from others disadvantaged lives.


After much thought, she concluded that the struggle with photographing such difficult things was actually helping those people. She knew that the money she was making doing it would go right back into her work, into helping bring attention to the misfortune of others. She captured her readers attention by directly saying, “Trying to convey beauty in war was a technique to try and prevent the reader from looking away.” She encourages people to ask any question they may have about her work or the living conditions that she photographs. Addario can take a bad situation and turn it into a vivid, emotional moment in history.


At the start of college, I was really struggling with how to be happy with so many new experiences happening all at once. I was able to take that stress, turn it around, and learn to love it up here! Any friend that is having a rough time adapting to college life I am able to help them through it.


Like Addario, I want to encourage my readers to take lousy times and turn them into something positive. I really want my audience to push themselves to do something good for themselves as well as others. I hope that my passion blog will be full of informative and motivational things.

RCL 5 Working Draft

The True Story Behind the Most Famous Kiss of America

Photography is an art that has the ability to alter humanity’s collective conscious. There is a story to every picture that is taken, whether it be a memory with your friends or a life changing moment in history. When you see a picture, do the colors and subjects capture your attention or do you want to dig deeper into what was happening during that photo. THESIS


August 14, 1945 was a day not many will ever forget. Alfred Eisenstaedt, a German photographer, captured one of the most iconic photos in history on this day. The photo was taken in Times Square right after the announcement of the Japanese surrendering and World War II finally coming to an end. New York City was swarming with cheerful people. At the time, people only knew that the man was a returning sailor from the war and the woman was dressed as a nurse. The identities were released in 2012 and they came forward with their version of that day.


The man, George Mendonsa, was out on a date with a woman named Rita Petry. They went to the movie theater in Times Square but never got to finish the movie. It was interrupted, mid-way through, when the workers busted in with confirmation of Japan’s surrender. George and Rita were ecstatic and ran out of the theater into the crowded streets. George caught glimpse of a young woman in a nurses uniform, Greta Zimmer. This woman brought nostalgia to George because it reminded him of the nurses that constantly tended to the countless wounded soldiers. With his mind on the hard past and also the promising future, he grabbed her and kissed her. In that spontaneous moment, Eisenstaedt grabbed his camera to document it. Unaware at the time, he caught the feelings of pure relief and people letting go of all their inhibitions.


Everyone found a way to relate to this photo. There were over 16 million men that served for WWII. The man intrigued families that had loved ones away at war and the excitement for their return home. For women with their husbands gone, it allowed them to relate to the extreme passion in seeing their significant other for the first time since they went away. They can find a common place in the passion because they are able to replace the woman with themselves. The picture showed the true beauty of the wars end and the instant happiness the world cultivated because of the announcement.

Much like the hookah, there’s underlying ideologies that this photo represents. It transformed from one of the most romantic moments of the post war era to revealing underlying social issues. The real truth came out once the identities were made apparent. The kiss was obviously spontaneous but the ambiguous fact was that they were actually strangers. The most prominent observations of this was the body language of the two. The woman obviously didn’t comply, she was clutching at herself not him. He has clenched fists and his back arm completely wrapped around her head to force her into it. She was swung off balance and her feet are trying to catch herself from falling. When Greta was interviewed, she claimed it was a kiss she would never forget and she said, “That man was very strong. I wasn’t kissing him. He was kissing me.” By referring to him as “that man,” she’s implying that they don’t know each other. Now when George was interviewed, he claimed he was so drunk that he can barely remember the kiss fully. He said how it was a mere celebratory action, not a romantic one. Both subjects had completely different experiences because the man didn’t put too much thought into his actions.

A social issue and even ideology that people tended to tiptoe around is how women were still subordinate to men in the 40’s. Men still had an insane amount of superiority over women. This photo depicts a sense of sexual assault that was very common in that era. This gives every woman who has felt dehumanized by a male and commonplace to relate to others like themselves. Women empathize with others that have experienced the same mental or physical abuse that they have. Society saw how unequal people were treated and became proactive to provide the equal opportunities for all that we have in the United States today.


Even though this ideology and belief isn’t still a huge issue in the United States, it is still a prominent issue in other countries and presents a kairotic moment for this poster to represent the women gender. For example, women in the Middle Eastern countries and the religions that inhibit that area face gender discrimination all the time. Under the Muslim faith, the women must obey their husbands under all circumstances. This makes women feel powerless and used while men still hold a place in themselves that makes them think this is okay. Just like the 1940’s in the United states used to be, countries still are treating women lesser than men.




As you can see, this poster has emically affected society. At first, it represented war, loved ones returning home, and true passion but when you dig deeper into the photograph, your attention is diverted to something so important in the world. It gives women a place to challenge society’s views and not feel isolated. This poster has allowed women to gain ownership of their rights and push for equality in the United States.


Works Cited

Callahan, Maureen. “The True Story behind the Iconic V-J Day Sailor and ‘Nurse’ Smooch.” New York Post, New York Post, 10 Sept. 2016, nypost.com/2012/06/17/the-true-story-behind-the-iconic-v-j-day-sailor-and-nurse-smooch/.

Zhang, Sarah. “The Unromantic Truth Behind the VJ Day Kiss Photo.” Mother Jones, Mother Jones, 24 June 2017, www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/10/unromantic-truth-vj-kiss-photo/.