Persuasive Essay Outline


Audience: Young men and women, policy makers and influencers, parents (to prepare their children for the possible social expectations they may face)

TITLE: Contraceptives – Strictly a Female’s Responsibility?

Intro: In the U.S., roughly 10.6 million women take hormonal birth control pills every day. On the other hand, men don’t take anything to prevent possible pregnancies and leave it up to the female to handle it. A man can impregnate over 360 women in a singular year meanwhile women can bear a one child per year. The issue with this is that females are facing the strain of birth control when men are the ones that have more potential in impregnating someone. Contraceptives have become the new fad within our society but the burden is being placed on the female leaving the man unaffected and lacking responsibility in a relationship.

Working thesis: By only offering female hormonal contraceptives, we are perpetuating gender expectancies and placing physical, emotional and financial strain on women.  

Background info – establish credibility

  • One man can impregnate over 360 women in a year while women can bear one child per year
  • Mens BC – injection to lower sperm count that proved to be 96% effective
  • Types of women BC
  • Men admitting they have equal responsibility in prevention but don’t share the consequences

Hint at the problem

  • Value into question
    • Shouldn’t there be a shift in focus onto male contraceptives instead of predominantly females
    • From the chart, you can see woman mostly rely on the pill, then sterilization then the condom
  • “A clinical trial of contraceptives for men was halted because of side effects—side effects that women have dealt with for decades.”
    • Mens side effects: mood swings, depression
    • Women side effects
      • Pill –  Headaches, nausea, menstrual cramps, yeast infections, breast tenderness, acne, mood swings, and weight gain.
      • IUD – pelvic or abdominal pain, ovarian cysts, headaches and migraines, acne, depressed mood, “heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding.”
      • Nuvaring – Vaginal-tissue irritation, headaches, mood changes, nausea and vomiting, weight gain, breast pain, painful menstruation, abdominal pain, acne, and decreased libido.
    • Women’s contraceptives are all FDA approved when they have similar if not worse side effects than the male version
  • Lots of men dont even know the protection that their partner is even taking
    • Assuming a girl is on it can create serious consequences

Preview of context

  • Thesis
  • Have made male contraceptives – studies
    • In committed relationships, young men admitted that often times they rely on their partners to use birth control to prevent pregnancy, which can bring up feelings of anxiety and mistrust about pregnancy intentions.

Examples (2-3)

A growing problem – urgency – establish evidence

  • With premarital sexual relations gaining and extreme amount of popularity, those same people are also experiencing many consequences
  • Some girls can’t use birth control due to health problems/conditions – what then?
    • Crohn’s disease and IBD can limit the success/absorption of BC
    • Medications – prozac and zoloft (antidepressants)
  • Condoms are the most important contraceptive methods in teens
    • Don’t have a great reputation to always prevent pregnancies

Results of the problem

  • Gender expectancies
  • Single mothers – men don’t have as much as a connection to the kid so they feel like leaving is justified meanwhile the woman just carried that kid in her and has a maternal instinct to love and care for the kid

Possible solutions – how to examples

  • Even though the study fell through, they could still put the contraceptive on the market
    • 80% of men that did the study said they would buy and use this if it was on the market regardless of the side effects


  • Lack of government funding and motivation towards this issue
    • Mostly due to social stigmas that surround relationships
  • Address value in question again
    • List the possible solutions

Deliberation Reflection

Our deliberation turned out better than I expected. We had a great turn out of people and everyone seemed interested in the topic, sexual education. We got a lot of feedback referring to different school’s curriculums. Most people were either given no education or very minimal that focused on abstinence. The audience helped bring the conversation to new ideas. There was a common agreement on the fact that sexual education needs to be changed to encompass the reality of sex in todays world. My favorite point was how differently boys and girls are treated when they engage in sexual activities. A boy is usually praised for erasing his masculinity mean while a girl is shamed for them both doing the same thing. A girls mental health will plummet and the guy will see that doing this, brings him popularity. This then brings the stereotypes of girls being too sensitive and guys just sleeping around but it is because of the stigmas we place around sex. I also really liked the point the one member brought up about education being based on the guy being pleased and never on how a girl also needs benefitted from sex. Sex is a mutual thing that both must want to do and enjoy, but some people purely think that a guy initiates it, does it and ends it but that is so far from the truth. There is so much that I hope our deliberation brought up so people can see the real downfall in our education systems. I hope we got people to start thinking of possible changes that they could support for our future generations.

I attended the deliberation on gun violence. They used each approach to discuss 3 different ways to solve the issue. I didn’t get too involved in their deliberation because their focus was on fixing the problem instead of addressing what the problem really is. The audience wasn’t as vocal at this one which made it hard for their ideas to keep rolling. Overall they had great ideas on ways to solve this pressing issue.