Deliberation Reflection

Our deliberation turned out better than I expected. We had a great turn out of people and everyone seemed interested in the topic, sexual education. We got a lot of feedback referring to different school’s curriculums. Most people were either given no education or very minimal that focused on abstinence. The audience helped bring the conversation to new ideas. There was a common agreement on the fact that sexual education needs to be changed to encompass the reality of sex in todays world. My favorite point was how differently boys and girls are treated when they engage in sexual activities. A boy is usually praised for erasing his masculinity mean while a girl is shamed for them both doing the same thing. A girls mental health will plummet and the guy will see that doing this, brings him popularity. This then brings the stereotypes of girls being too sensitive and guys just sleeping around but it is because of the stigmas we place around sex. I also really liked the point the one member brought up about education being based on the guy being pleased and never on how a girl also needs benefitted from sex. Sex is a mutual thing that both must want to do and enjoy, but some people purely think that a guy initiates it, does it and ends it but that is so far from the truth. There is so much that I hope our deliberation brought up so people can see the real downfall in our education systems. I hope we got people to start thinking of possible changes that they could support for our future generations.

I attended the deliberation on gun violence. They used each approach to discuss 3 different ways to solve the issue. I didn’t get too involved in their deliberation because their focus was on fixing the problem instead of addressing what the problem really is. The audience wasn’t as vocal at this one which made it hard for their ideas to keep rolling. Overall they had great ideas on ways to solve this pressing issue.

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