Extra Help On and Off Campus

I feel like I see a new part of campus every day! There is always a new place to eat, hide, play, study, and so on. Just recently I have been finding out a lot of information about extra help with my classes. It is a little over half way through my first fall semester so it is about time to really crack down on doing homework, studying for tests, and writing papers. Therefore, I have needed a helping hand through some of it.

On Campus Help:

Office Hours – Office Hours are when you professor is in their office and they let students walk in and ask questions without a scheduled time. I have personally done this multiple times and it is extremely helpful.

Writing Tutors- On campus students are able to get their papers reviewed at a writing lab for free. It is always good to get someone to look over your paper before you hand it in and it is even better because it is free!

Here is a link to a list of all the subjects Penn State has extra help for.


Off Campus Help:

Nittany Notes- I just recently purchased my first Nittany Notes.  Nittany Notes are all the notes from a specific class and then a practice test for the exam. Sometimes the “note taker” is in you class so everything is up to date. However, for my two classes the notes were taken last year with the same teacher. I compared the two notes and there was not too much of a difference with the material except for guest speakers.


Lion Tutors- I have not used Lion Tutors because they do not offer my courses. However, my friends love it. Like Nittany Notes, they also give you notes and a practice exam. Plus, they also offer tutoring services. They do individual tutoring and they do group tutoring before an exam.


PSU Know How – This is very similar to Lion Tutors they have tutors can help you one on one or you can do a large group session.

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