Hidden Roots
As a hospital community, we come together each day grounded in identities that are deeply rooted in the past and present. While life and circumstance shape all of us differently, we show up, tirelessly maintain everyday operations, and carry forward the shared goals of the health system. So too do the patients and community partners who enter our doors bring deep and hidden roots, identities, and life stories. This year’s edition of Wild Onions thus asks our community to “dig deep” into the “Hidden Roots” within, celebrating the diversity, value, and beauty of our individual and collective histories.
2024-25 Senior Co-Editors: Himani Devabhaktuni, and Muzna Ali
Faculty and staff–both clinical and nonclinical– patients, families, students, and volunteers are invited to submit original creative writing, art, or photography work (not previously published) on ALL TOPICS.
Submit your work online at: www.sites.psu.edu/wildonions
- Fill out the online form and upload your files to the Wild Onions dropbox.
- 5 entries per genre (creative writing, photography, and art).
- If submitting original artwork, please deliver to Deb Tomazin in the Humanities Department, room C1747P or the Humanities main office, room C1743.
Deadline for submissions: January 15 of each calendar year.
For more info email: wildonions@pennstatehealth.psu.edu