© Thomas McGarrity, MD
Retired, Department of Medicine Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
You invited me in.
I was excited to join.
We show all the interesting cases Friday morning
For the medical students and doctors in training
A dermatology jamboree
I, a premedical student ravaged by chemo
Violaceous pustules cobbled
My face, my head, trunk and legs
Oral ulcers puffed my cheeks
Studded my lips
My hair like a drunken watchman fell.
Each assigned a stool in an empty classroom.
Please stand. Remove your shirts.
White-coated students like maggots
Swarmed, probed, sampled, pressed, and tugged.
The bow-tied, mustachioed professor
A dandy astride a shiny carousel
Pontificating at each station.
A London circus barker
Exhibiting the elephant man
Both of us ill and breathless
He, by compressing tumors
Me, from contempt.
You invited me in.
I was excited to join.