Category Archives: RCL

Group Memo History of a Public Controversy



Scribe: Michael Martinelli

Park Ranger: Lauren Mazzatesta

Goalkeeper: Megan Dougherty


Topic Ideas:


  • Electoral College


    • Capital Punishment 


  • Minimum Wage


    • Evolution Th.
    • Free Market Capitalism


  • Religious Freedoms


  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • National Anthem


Decided Topic: Minimum Wage




Stasis Question:

  • The facts (conjecture): Michael Martinelli
  • The meaning or nature of the issue (definition): Lauren Mazzatesta
  • The seriousness of the issue (quality): Megan Dougherty
  • The plan of action (policy): Michael Artlip


Places for research:

  • Google Ngram
  • JStor
  • Google Scholars
  • Library of Congress
  • University Library


Plan: Put together a doc of facts from general research, reconvene with new info and then make our topic more specific.



  1.               Meaning/nature of the issue (definition)
  2.     What Does the Minimum Wage Do? By Dale Belman and Paul J. Wolfson (
  3.     “Older minimum wage studies have generally focused on teenage workers- with their low skills and limited attachment to the labor market, it was thought that teenagers were most sensitive to the minimum wage and therefore any effect would eb clearest here.”
  4.     “”While much of the NMWR examines what happens to teenagers when the minimum wage rises, many studies focus on other demographic groups with limited skills and labor market attachment, as well as workers identified specifically by their low wages, by membership in a specific demographic group (such as single mothers, young women, or immigrants), or by the industry in which they work (primarily hospitality and home care/nursing home).”

                                             iii.     “Assessing the size of effects is also important to understanding the minimum wage.”

  1.     “By and large, the size of the impact of an increase in a minimum wage is related only to the issue of job loss, and the observations are all over the map.”
  2.     “In addition, the issue of the magnitude of the impact is composed of at least two distinct parts: 1) does the wide range of results apply to all outcomes or only to employment, and 2) are patterns in the magnitude of the response related to who is under study, the methods used in the study, measurement issues, or other factors?”
  3.     Google Ngram
  4.     Minimum Wages by David Neumark and William L. Wascher (
  5.     “…we see the principal intent of the minimum wage as helping to raise incomes of low-income families. This implies that the principal criterion for decisions about raising the minimum wage is whether doing so has beneficial effects for the distribution of family incomes- reducing poverty or increasing incomes at the bottom of the distribution.”
  6.     CQ Researcher
  7.     Who Benefits From A Minimum Wage Increase? By John W. Lopresti and Kevin J. Mumford (


  1.   “In our approach, the benefit of a minimum wage increase to a particular low-wage worker is the difference between the hourly wage after the minimum wage increase and the hourly wage the worker would have experienced had there been no increase.”


  •       Seattle minimum wage ordinance
  1.     Increase the minimum wage value from $9.75 to $11 in 2015, then a year later (2016) to $13
  2.     $13 supplied a 6-7% decrease in hours for hourly workers in low paying jobs; hourly pay grew by 3%
  3.     Humble effects upon the first increase
  4.     Zero effect in the restaurant industry, for example, across the board during these shifts of minimum wage rates.
  •       Oregon’s minimum wage increase in 2016
  1.     They integrated a policy that progressed a seven-year increase and modification across the counties
  2.     “…Oregon State Legislature passed Senate Bill (SB) 1532…”
  3.     The city of Portland occupies the highest 
  4.     “Non-urban” (i.e. rural) areas have the lowest
  5.     Other regions fall into the “standard rate” 
  6.     “Economists have analyzed the impacts of raising the MW since it was first enacted in 1938 as a part of the New Deal Fair Standards Labor Act (FLSA).”
  7.     Interesting feature of farmers/other agricultural personnel
  8.     Incorporated into the act in 1966
  9.     “While 45 states have their own higher MW laws, 34 states exempt agriculture so that agricultural workers receive the lower federal MW (currently $7.25/h).”
  10.     “Worldwide, agricultural workers earn extremely low wages, despite the hazardous nature of their occupation.”

                                                                                                   iii.     “On average, U.S. farmworkers earned a family income between $20,000 and $24,999 in 2013-2014, with 30% of all farmworkers falling below the federal poverty line.”

  1.     “This MW increase was the first statewide policy of its kind in the U.S., which set higher wage rates in urban areas to mitigate potential rural job losses and account for higher costs of living in urban areas, with New York State following shortly thereafter.”
  2.     “Amendments to except small businesses, agricultural workers, and youth labor were proposed but not adopted.”


  •       “Obama’s latest proposed budget contains plans designed to boost employment in high-skilled, so-called middle-class jobs.”
  •       “…to supplement the wages of displaced manufacturing workers who take lower-paying service jobs by providing them up to $10,000 over two years…”
  •       “The idea of targeting financial support to people who, especially later in their careers, are choosing between going back to a lower-wage job or potentially ending up on disability or something else- it’s a win-win to have them in the workforce,” said Oren Cass, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and former domestic policy director for 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.”
  •       “If we are truly serious about reversing the decline of the middle class, we need a major federal jobs program which puts millions of Americans back to work at decent paying jobs,” [Senator Bernie] Sanders said…”
  •       “She [Hillary Clinton] argues that his recommendations, which include expanding Medicare to cover all Americans, would raise middle-class taxes, which she vows not to do. She defines the middle class as individuals earning less than $200,000 a year and couples earning less than $250,000. “We need to give middle class families a break, not a tax increase,” said Jake Sullivan, a senior Clinton adviser.”
  •       “The Tax Policy Center of the Urban Institute and Brookings Institution confirmed that Clinton’s proposal would raise taxes on the top 1 percent of earners. Under Sanders’ proposal, all income groups would pay some increases, but most would come from the highest earners, the center said.”
  •       “On the Republican side, Trump has proposed reducing the number of tax brackets to three and eliminating income taxes on individuals making $25,000 a year or less, or couples making $50,000 or less. He called it a “substantial reduction for the middle-income people.” However, the Tax Policy Center concluded that Trump’s plan would give the biggest breaks to the highest-income households. And the corporate income tax rate would be cut from 35 percent to 15 percent.”
  •       “Cruz proposed a 10 percent flat tax on income, plus a consumption tax. That would give high-income taxpayers a 29.6 percent tax cut, according to the Tax Policy Center, and a 3.2 percent cut for middle-income households.”
  •       “…a bipartisan team of analysts from Brookings has concluded that raising on the wealthy would produce “exceedingly modest” results in reducing income disparities overall.”
  •       “A less complicated idea is to raise the minimum to $15 an hour—more than double the current federal minimum of $7.25 an hour.”


Michael M.


  • “The federal minimum wage provisions are contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The federal minimum wage is $7.25 per hour effective July 24, 2009. Many states also have minimum wage laws. Some state laws provide greater employee protections; employers must comply with both.” (
    • Fed Law states the minimum of 7.25
    • State law can raise its own minimum above 7.25
  •  “The national minimum wage was created by Congress under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in 1938. […] The purpose of the minimum wage was to stabilize the post-depression economy and protect the workers in the labor force. The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees. (
  • The controversy enlies: what price is fair for minimum wage? Would raising the minimum wage be detrimental to the economy and job flow in America?
    • Party-line issue
  • Alan Krueger’s 1992 Study: New Jersey higher MW vs. Pennsylvania normal MW (,the%20same%20in%20neighboring%20Pennsylvania.)
    • Found that higher MW in Jersey correlated with an increase in employment, but there are more variables in this situation
    • Controversial study >> used to prove MW increase can be done well, yet many claim there are flaws in this study.




Video Editor: Michael A.


RCL Blog #9:


Michael Artlip, Megan Dougherty, Michael Martinelli, and Lauren Mazzatesta


November 20, 2020


Plan: 2016 Federal Minimum Wage Debate; primary concentration on the conversations about said topic in the 2016 Presidential race.


TED Talk Work Day(s) Activity Summary

Duties of Each Member:

  • Michael A.- designated video editor (via iMovie or other applicable editing applications), garner and organize research (explore the plan of action– policy), drafting video script, finding videos and images, Narrator, and compile interview questions.
  • Megan- designated goalkeeper, garner and organize research (explore the seriousness of the issue– quality), drafting video script, finding videos and images, Narrator, assist with video editing, and compile interview questions.
  • Michael M.- designated scribe, garner and organize research (explore the facts– conjecture), drafting video script, finding videos and images, Narrator, assist with video editing, and compile interview questions.
  • Lauren- designated park ranger, garner and organize research (explore the meaning or nature of the issue– definition), drafting video script, finding videos and images, Narrator, assist with video editing, and compile interview questions.



  • November 22-29 (Thanksgiving Break)- synthesize research, indicate and specify direction, as well as prepare the script.
  • November 30- complete and review the script. In addition to allotting precise roles to begin the preliminary steps in creating the video; steps include choosing images and videos, as well as finding background music via the royalty free sites.
  • December 2-  commence the video process; i.e. designing text slides, inserting selected images, video clips, and generated background music.
  • December 4- launch the filming portion; i.e. interviews, and narration.
  • December 7- assemble and organize video sections; i.e. synthesize content. As well as start the video editing process.
  • December 9- final review of the overall project– ensure that everything meets everyone’s standards.
  • December 11- present videos in class
  • December 14- submit video by 11:59pm to the canvas drop-box.


Day 1:


We sifted through an array of topics covering:

  • Electoral College
  • Capital Punishment 
  • Minimum Wage
  • Evolution Theory
  • Free Market Capitalism
  • Religious Freedoms
  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • National Anthem


After a thorough review of each, we decided that the debate surrounding the federal minimum wage would provide for a concrete and compelling exposition.


Day 2:


We began our examination into the stasis questions of our selected topic and allotted each among the group:

  • The facts (conjecture): Michael Martinelli
  • The meaning or nature of the issue (definition): Lauren Mazzatesta
  • The seriousness of the issue (quality): Megan Dougherty
  • The plan of action (policy): Michael Artlip


As well as we began to prepare our research and considered the best avenues to gather information:

  • Google Ngram
  • JStor
  • Google Scholars
  • Library of Congress
  • University Library


Our meeting concluded with an aim to begin to delve into our given stasis question and determined our immediate direction as compiling a series of facts from a sampling of our research, and then reviewing said research in the forthcoming meeting in order to discern a clearer target for our topic.


The result of our exploration:


  • Facts (conjecture)

US DOL’s overview on minimum wage (


History on minimum wage by Legal Information Institute (


Analysis of Alan Krueger’s 1992 Study: New Jersey higher MW vs. Pennsylvania normal MW (,the%20same%20in%20neighboring%20Pennsylvania)


  •  Meaning/nature of the issue (definition)

What Does the Minimum Wage Do? By Dale Belman and Paul J. Wolfson (


Minimum Wages by David Neumark and William L. Wascher (


Who Benefits From A Minimum Wage Increase? By John W. Lopresti and Kevin J. Mumford (


Google Ngram


  • Seriousness of the issue (quality)

Effects Of Minimum Wages On Population Health By J. Paul Leigh and Juan Du,wage%20or%20low%2Dskilled%20people.&text=According%20to%20one%20estimate%2C%20an,million%20people%20out%20of%20poverty 


Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor By Ben Zipperer 


  • Plan of the action (policy)

Effect of  minimum wage measurably benefits workers:,and%20the%20voluntary%20action%20of

$15 minimum wage benefits businesses and economy in addition to workers:

Minimum wage increase can have adverse effects on those it attempts to help:


Day 3: 


We shared our aforementioned research and produced more of a resolute concentration to our topic:

  • The debate surrounding the federal minimum wage that was rekindled through the ensuing Presidential race in 2016 and magnified due to, notably, the democratic Presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, claims regarding an instant increase to such amount should she be elected.


Our meeting completed with a consensus to further our research through the adoption of our new concentration, which allowed us to identify valuable materials that will shape the direction of our video:


Fed Law declares the minimum of 7.25, state law can raise its own minimum above 7.25 


What price is fair for minimum wage? Would raising the minimum wage be detrimental to the economy and job flow in America? 


Alan Krueger’s 1992 Study: Found that higher MW in Jersey correlated with an increase in employment, but there are more variables in this situation Controversial study >> used to prove MW increase can be done well, yet many claim there are flaws in this study.,the%20same%20in%20neighboring%20Pennsylvania


Seattle’s minimum wage ordinance– adopted in 2015.


Oregon’s minimum wage increase through Senate Bill (SB) 1532– implemented in 2016; emphasis regarding the effects upon farmers and agricultural workers.


Illustrates a bevy of politicians’ differing stances on the federal minimum wage issue; especially inside of comparable ideological circles.


Provides a detailed look into minimum wages above $7.25 across states and cities in 2016 through a chart. Also includes the states’ and cities’ future plans for their minimum wages as of 2016. 

Details minimum wage increases approved in 25 states in 2016.


Provides details about California’s 2016 minimum wage increase.


Framing the Issue


In political circles, leaders have not reached any consensus regarding solutions about the federal minimum wage crisis. Even within similar ideologies, public servants have offered contrasting solutions. Time magazine offers a rendition of the Democratic Presidential debate where Secretary Clinton and Senator Sanders argued vehemently about their proposed solutions to the issue: “What has happened is history has outpaced Secretary Clinton, because all over this country people are standing up and their saying $12 is not good enough, we need $15 an hour…To suddenly announce now that you’re for $15, I don’t think is quite accurate.” This expresses a schism within the Democratic party in 2016 regarding their solutions in solving the federal minimum wage debate between Presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Yet, this is not limited to the Democratic party, the Republican party also faces this issue. As CNBC notes in Time to Ditch $7.25 minimum wage? Republicans weigh in, “[Donald Trump] Now, I want to create jobs so that you don’t have to worry about the minimum wage, they’re doing a great job and they’re making much more than the minimum wage…[Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush] We need to leave it to the private sector. I think state minimum wages are fine. The federal government shouldn’t be doing this.” This illustrates the distinction between the candidates in the Republican party’s Presidential Race in 2016, namely, Donald Trump and Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, that hold conflicting explanations to this demanding need. 


These discepharies among party leaders indicate a vast difference to satisfying this issue, as considering the aforementioned, the matter is far from being resolved. However, another aspect that categorizes this issue as a controversy is that it is a pressing concern that affects real Americans in their everyday lives. Thus, the sensitive nature of the topic sparks personal connections to the consequences of its implementation. It is even more timely that this debate was ignited due to the kairos of the 2016 Presidential election. The President is evidently Commander in Chief, hence they occupy a great deal of influence in meeting this need. Through the immediate impact that this issue has upon the American public, we plan on seizing this characteristic and orienting our media modes to reflect such an impression to convey the topic’s living significance even in today’s society.


Framing Questions:

  1. Should the federal minimum wage be increased? If not, should it be maintained, decreased, or completely ceased?
  2. What is the federal minimum wage? What is its purpose?
  3. Who does the federal minimum wage affect? Why does it target this specific demographic?
  4. Why do politicians struggle to find agreement on the solutions surrounding the federal minimum wage? What are their proposed answers?
  5. What are the side effects of a federal minimum wage quota across the nation? Which cohorts are impacted the most by this standard?
  6. Why has the government not embraced the exemption of small businesses, farmers, and youths in their plans?
  7. How do states’ delegation of the minimum wage set a precedent for the government in determining the federal minimum wage?

Diversity Needed! – Inclusiveness in the Work World

As time has progressed, diversity has become more and more accepted throughout American society. Likewise, diversity in the work world has not only grown in acceptance, but also become a demand of many companies. In many modern American industries, the view of diversity within the work world has been a complete 180°: from segregation and discrimination to searching for new ways to implement diversity within an organizational structure. I wrote my essay on this topic because it demonstrates the huge steps forward that American society has taken in fostering inclusiveness, while also demonstrating that there is still more work to be done.

The most significant portion of this paradigm shift is that studies have been done to prove that diversity improves the productivity in the workplace. First and foremost, this demonstrates society’s curiosity and fascination with diversity. More importantly, the studies show that diversity is beneficial for society. Not only is it fair that companies be inclusive and accepting of workers with different backgrounds, but those different backgrounds are beneficial to the business. This shift demonstrates that people should not be shunned for their background, rather their backgrounds should be celebrated. Likewise, it shows that a diverse economy is an effective and efficient economy.

Probably the most interesting discovery I came upon when researching this topic was the fact that strategies have emerged in result of trying to implement diversity into business structures. Because diversity bring in different backgrounds and different thought processes, implementing diversity into a business promotes creativity and innovation. Likewise, many businesses have formed strategies to utilize and distribute diversity within their structures to generate innovation.

While writing this essay, the best feedback I received was to form a strong hook to catch the attention of the audience. Having a strong start to the essay allows for the audience to hold a good first impression. Also, writing this essay has helped me improve my use of evidence within essays. I learned that the best way to write a paper like this is to do research beforehand and outline, that way the words can just flow while actually writing the essay.

Music Outline

  1. Intro
    1. Hook: Music in America is extremely diverse.
    2. Transition: There is a type of genre for everyone. Although it was not always this way. Music used to be very specific to location till the creation of the phonograph. This allowed music to be produced and sold easily, making music much more widespread.
    3. Thesis: With the development of jazz and blue alongside the creation of the phonograph, jazz and blues shifted American music from roots to popular while simultaneously became the cornerstone for music in America throughout the 20th century to the present.


  1. Body1 – Roots Music to Popular Music
    1. “Literature review”
      1. Roots Music: original music in America, appeal to local/individual
        1. Folk and Classic
          1. Native Americans first, then English, French, and Spanish with colonization in the 16th century (African following with the spread of slavery)
        2. Popular Music: widespread appeal; formed in a large music industry
          1. Foundation: jazz and blues
          2. Easily buy and sell music with the phonograph: mechanism used to record sound
        3. Analysis of Cause
          1. Developing technology and demand for on-request music.
          2. Jazz and blues developed out of Cajun and Creole influence
        4. Critique of the shift
          1. Music became widespread: focused on a large audience and received by many more
          2. Jazz and blues shifted music focus: inciting dance and excitement


  • Body2 – Development of Popular Music from Jazz and Blues
    1. “Literature review”
      1. Rock and Roll
        1. Blues influence
        2. Focus on appeal to the youth culture
      2. Country
        1. Folk influence
        2. Western Swing: folk and blues mix
      •  R&B
        • Gospel and Doo Wop >> blues influence with a development from the African America community
      1. Latin Music
        1. Jazz influence with a development from the Latin community: Cuba and Mexico
    1. Analysis of Cause
      1. With the spread of jazz and blues by phonograph, communities all over America were impacted and influenced by these music genres.
      2. New music genres developed from jazz and blues
    2. Critique of the shift
      1. “rocking” and “rolling” incite dancing
      2. Folk music did not die out, developed into country


  1. Body3 – Development of Modern Popular Music
    1. “Literature review”
      1. British blues influence
        1. psychedelic/ classic rock, heavy metal
        2. Pop music and alternative rock branch off of classic rock by the present
      2. African American blues influence
        1. soul and funk, hip hop
        2. Rap music branches off hip hop by the present
      3. Latin Jazz influence
        1. Salsa
    2.  Analysis of Cause
      1. Numerous genres of music all begin to form
      2. Jazz and blues still serve as a backbone to widespread popular music in America and other parts of the world
    3.  Critique of the shift
      1. Larger and large variety in types of music as time progresses
      2. Music has become extremely widespread and varied


  1. Conclusion
    1. Restate Thesis: With the shift from roots to popular music, music in America continues to diversify from its backgrounds in jazz and blues.
    2. Looking Forward: As time goes on, music in America will continue to develop and more genres will continue to branch off. The easy spread of music has led to the continuous development of new music genres. Music has become ingrained into our society and can connect with more and more individuals as more genres spawn. This is what has allowed everyone to have their own type of music.


It Will Never Be the Same After Jazz

Although it may not apparent, Jazz is still very alive in today’s modern American music. Music in America was not always like it is now. Music was very engrained in society, but not in the way we see today. During the early stages of America, sixteenth to nineteenth century, music was mostly used as folk music: tradition cultural music that was performed on a local/individual level. This type of music tended to be focused on the custom that it accompanied. Another major form of music during the early stages of America was classical music, performed with more sophisticated instruments in more formal tones.

As more music genres begin to arise and production and distribution of music develops, the 1920s becomes an era for music history through the spawn of jazz music. Termed as the Harlem Renaissance (because Harlem, Manhattan, New York City is considered the birthplace of jazz), the 1920s changed the course of music forever. Jazz music was very unique from its genre predecessors, diversifying the way music is composed. Unlike its predecessors, jazz was very upbeat and enticing; “big band swing” music that makes people want to get up and dance. Jazz music made people excited and defined the carefree nature of the era. Music become a way to party and let loose.

Jazz paved the way for music to become exciting and dance-inducing. Jazz set this precedent of making upbeat music that make you want to move with the rhythm. Jazz essentially created “jamming out” to music. Furthermore, jazz has continued to influence music till today. Many modern genres have branched out of Jazz: pop, rock, hip-hop, etc. Jazz techniques for harmony and rhythm continue to be replicated in today’s modern American music.

With this shift in modern American popular music, the old tradition music still continues to live on. Although these traditional music genres are not as mainstream as music like pop and rap, there are still many who are keeping these traditional types of music alive.

A Clean Performance about Toothbrushes – RCL Speech 1

I think I performed well, but there is always room for improvement in every performance. This was by no means a perfect performance, but I think I am heading in the right direction.

To start, I think my strong suit was eye contact. When preparing for this speech, I tried to memorize what I wrote, that way I could just speak straight to the camera. There were moments when I would look down to read some notes to get myself back on track, but I made good eye contact for the most part.

Although, memorizing the speech also lead to some uncertainty in my annunciation. There were many times when I would say “um” or pause because I was uncertain about the line to follow. I could have improved upon this by doing a better job of memorizing my speech. There were moments where I would speak really well because I remembered that part of the speech better (overall enjoying that part of the speech more), and then there were moments where I would constantly trip up my speech.

Another mistake I made with annunciation was speaking “from my throat.” When I say this, I mean that I began to speak in a timid way that made my voice sound stressed. This made my speech sound a little less smooth. I could have improved upon this by becoming more comfortable while I was speaking, and I could have taken more time to stop and breathe.

One part I did not notice till after was that the angle of the camera was a bit unflattering. I had the camera a bit below my face, so it was in a bit of an awkward angle. This could have been fixed by having the camera level with my face.

Watching my performance has been helpful for fully understanding how I performed. Using the insight which I just gained, I now know what I can improve on in speeches that I will give in years ahead.

Toothbrush Speech – Outline

  1. Intro
    1. Hook: Could you ever imagine using a twig to clean your teeth? For somebody like you or me, the only way to clean your teeth is with a toothbrush.
    2. Transition: In the Western world, the toothbrush is a staple of the modern home, everyone is expected to brush their teeth twice a day with a toothbrush. Although the role of the toothbrush varies around the world. There are many parts of the world don’t use the alleged “modern methods” of oral hygiene. Furthermore, the toothbrush is a genius idea, but it also isn’t completely perfect for the future of our environment.
  2. Body
    1. Quick History (Extrinsic Proofs)
      • Kairos: Toothbrush is the product of the need to stay healthy >>> oral health
      • Egypt and “chew sticks” (twigs from certain trees with natural chemicals in them that help with cavity prevention and whitening of teeth)
      • 13th century China >>> first toothbrush made of bamboo
      • William Addis, 1780 >>> first mass-produced toothbrush
    2. Toothbrush Today (Intrinsic proof as evident by the experiences of the audience)
      • Possible child’s dentist video to demonstrate toothbrush commonplaces
      • New advancements >>> now synthetics and plastics
      • Civic: Everyone owns a toothbrush, everyone is expected to have a toothbrush
      • Ideology: You must have clean teeth, and the only way to do that is with a toothbrush: freshens breath, removes food remnants from teeth, cleans sugars off teeth (which is vital for a common American diet that is loaded with processed sugars)
      • Commonplace: “brush twice a day” is conditioned into the minds of the nation at a young age. White teeth as “beautiful” teeth
    3. “Non-toothbrush Nations” & Waste from Toothbrushes (Extrinsic Proofs)
      • The toothbrush takes on different levels of relevance across the globe
      • Modern chew sticks: parts of Africa and the Middle East (specifically known as “miswak” in Muslim cultures, taken from arak trees)
      • Being made of plastics and synthetics, toothbrushes are contributing to the world’s huge landfill of plastics
      • Eco-friendlier means needed >>> i.e.: bamboo toothbrush
  3. Conclusion
    1. Summary: Here in the U.S. we have become accustomed to everyone brushing their teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. Oral hygiene is vital, and the toothbrush a great means for doing so.
    2. CTA: But this isn’t all as peachy as it may seem. There are millions and billions of toothbrushes in the world, and likewise they don’t necessarily disappear. Unlike the chew stick and the miswak, discarded toothbrushes aren’t exactly the best for the environment. The need for oral hygiene is still very prevalent and growing, and so is the demand for toothbrushes. Likewise, it is important to keep people brushing their teeth, but it is also important that we, as a society, seek out and be open-minded to ways of making the toothbrush eco-friendlier.
    3. THANK YOU!

Brush Twice a Day, or Just Stop by Your Local Arak Tree

The toothbrush – a staple of the modern home. Brush your teeth twice a day, don’t forget to rinse out after. But how much of a “staple” is it? Maybe in the Western world, but toothbrushes are not as widespread as you’d think. Here in the U.S. we have become accustomed to everyone brushing their teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste, but many parts of the world don’t use the alleged “modern methods” of oral hygiene.

But let’s start with the origin of the toothbrush, or more specifically oral hygiene. Oral hygiene has been in existence for a long time, but in different form then what we see today. Dating back to ancient Egypt in 5000 BC, people used to clean their teeth with “chew sticks,” which are twigs that are chewed on to create a frayed end. These sticks were often picked from certain trees with natural chemicals in them, like fluoride, to help with cavity prevention and whitening of teeth. As oral hygiene began to spread, different civilizations adapted means for cleaning their teeth. It wasn’t till the 13th century in China that an object similar to the modern toothbrush was created, made of stiff boar hairs attached to bamboo sticks. As this appliance was replicated through the ages, the first official toothbrush was created with a bone and boar hairs by an Englishman named William Addis while he was in prison. After leaving prison, Addis began to mass-produce these contraptions, establishing the household appliance that is the toothbrush. From there, the toothbrush continued to grow throughout the ages, becoming an essential in Western Culture. Now, most toothbrushes are made of synthetic materials and different varieties have been created, such as the electric toothbrushes.

Here in the U.S., the toothbrush is necessity. This commonplace of “brush twice a day” is conditioned into the minds of the nation at a young age. And rightfully so, brushing your teeth is very helpful in everyday life. It freshens breath, removes food remnants from teeth, cleans sugars off teeth (which is vital for a common American diet that is loaded with processed sugars). This also ties into the commonplace that white teeth are beautiful. Not to mention the prevention of oral damage is very beneficial when trying to maintain good health.

Although, this is only one very specific lineage of oral hygiene specific to Western Culture. There have been several mechanisms/means for “brushing your teeth” throughout the world. In fact, chew sticks are still widely used in parts of Africa and the Middle East (specifically known as “miswak” in Muslim cultures, taken from arak trees). Just like many other artifacts, the toothbrush is continuing to spread with the spread of Western Culture. More and more cultures are adapting the toothbrush into their modern lifestyle.

But this isn’t all as peachy as it may seem. There are millions and billions of toothbrushes in the world, and likewise they don’t necessarily disappear. Being made of plastics and synthetics, discarded toothbrushes aren’t exactly the best for the environment. Unlike the chew stick and the miswak, toothbrushes are contributing to the world’s huge landfill of plastics. The need for oral hygiene is still very prevalent and growing, and so is the demand for toothbrushes. Likewise, it is important to keep people brushing their teeth, but it is also important that we, as a society, seek out and be open-minded to ways of making the toothbrush eco-friendlier.

Party Please! – Penn State as “#1 Party School”

Being voted number one party school in 2009 according to The Princeton Review, it is suitable that Penn State follows many commonplaces of “leisurely” college life. When envisioning college life, partying often comes to mind. People always have these crazy stories of what they did or saw in college. In our society, college is often associated with “living while you’re young.” Penn State is no exception to this commonplace, many students tend to choose Penn State because of its reputation for partying and binge drinking. Moreover, these commonplaces surrounding partying are very prevalent within the student body of Penn State.

Listening to This American Life’s podcast “#1 Party School” did not come as any surprise to me. Many of the commonplaces expressed within the podcast have been brought to my attention before: binge drinking is viewed as “welcomed” and “wholesome,” keep-it-cheap mentality when buying things (specifically drinks), tailgating, extremely hype football games, late night weekends, the list goes on.

These commonplaces form an ideology on Penn State’s campus that living is partying. I remember when I began telling people that I committed to Penn State, the phrase of “big party school, huh?” always came up. This also expands into the commonplace that I have heard on numerous occasions, that Penn State is in the middle of nowhere so there is nothing else to do except party by night. From my experience, you cannot have a conversation about Penn State without mentioning the football games and the parties. And from living on campus, I can tell the mentality of party life is still alive and well, despite the hurdles this year has presented.

It is not that any of this is special to Penn State, every school has an aspect of party life indented into its ideology of campus life. Moreover, Penn State is not limited to its party life. Penn State is bustling with a huge variety of programs and opportunities on campus. Simple commonplaces like DP Dough as the go-to calzone place downtown, and Astro-7n as the video game class, attribute to the ideology of life at Penn State. Penn State, like every other school, may be a party school, but it is also so much more.