The Symphony of the Universe

What is the significance of “sound”?

Is it solely there for human communication, or is there a deeper meaning and purpose behind sounds in our Universe?

Is there a symphony to our Universe?


Sound plays a very important role in everybody’s daily lives. As humans, we use sound to communicate, entertain, and express one’s being through music.

But did you know that sound can also be portrayed visually? That is, through one’s sight?

This has been proven through the “Chladni plate experiment”.

In the experiment, sand is poured out onto a black metal plate that is attached to a “tone generator”.



The tone generator is then switched on and changed to different frequencies. With each change in frequency, the sand dances into new patterns, creating a bizarre, (and beautiful), geometric pattern!

From his research regarding this experiment, Christopher Jobson states that “the sand naturally gravitates to the area where the least amount of vibration occurs…the higher the frequency, the more complex the pattern.”

Here are some examples of the complex geometric pattern that can be created with this experiment:




All of these “cymatic” images are purely the result of sound.

There is a chapel in southern Scotland called the Rosslyn Chapel- the “most mysterious and magical chapel on earth” (Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code)- that reflects these mysterious tonal patterns…and it was built nearly 600 years ago, before any modern technology!

Rosslyn Chapel Exterior


In the chapel are hundreds of intricately carved cubes. Classical music and code-breaking expert, Thomas Mitchell, along with his son, Stuart Mitchell, realized that these cubes “depicted the vibrations of musical notes”. By recreating the patterns on each of the carved cubes, he unlocked the notes to find a “haunting piece of music that had been hidden in the arches for centuries.”

The CD of this music is available for purchase at

Not only did the contents of the chapel exhibit a secret symphony, but different carvings also showed a knowledge of highly modernized technology, such as the double-helix of a DNA strand on a spiraling chapel column, or the “Cymatic Symbol” of a note that resembles the North Pole Hexagon found on Saturn…



Column that shows a double-helix
Relationship between Saturn’s North Pole and hexagonal resonance found in the chapel


As we can observe, sound is capable of creating highly detailed visuals that correlates to matter that is already here on Earth. I propose that if sound is indeed capable of creating images, then could it also be capable of creating matter itself, from nothing?

Let’s look at the comparison of one of the tonal frequencies to a quark, which is a minute particle that is one of the building blocks to atoms. (Quarks are even smaller than protons, neutrons, and electrons!) It is also important to note that quarks were one of the first particles to come into existence during the Big Bang.






Sand at 15,352 Hz



Both of these images exhibit characteristics that are very similar to each other. Both seem to have exactly twelve rays of energy protruding from a center, singular point.


With all of the information we have covered this far, we can perhaps make a few conclusions.

According to the Bible, the existence of the Universe began with: “Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.” (Genesis 1:3)

We now know that tone does indeed have the power to move matter into elaborate shapes.

I propose that God’s voice, that is a distinct tone and type of sound, spoke the words “let there be light” at a frequency of approximately 15,352 Hertz to create quarks, or light.

God did indeed speak the Universe into existence.


Thank you for reading! Until next week,


keep searching!

4 thoughts on “The Symphony of the Universe

  1. I really enjoyed your post! I knew a little bit about the Chladni Plate Experiment prior to reading the post; however I had no idea about the Rosslyn Chapel. It was fascinating learning about sound, you did a fantastic job explaining it!

  2. In the 1970s I checked a book out of the Unity Church library titled Symphony of the Universe. I returned it and have searched for a copy ever since. It was filled with experiments with the manifestations of sounds.

    Have you encountered this book?

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