Most things seem to have an end in our universe…
But is this so when the universe finds way to encourage more life?
Some may ask, what about the reproduction of humans? Humans die, but then they reproduce. So, with this logic, humans can never die because they keep reproducing.
But, when our sun decides to transform into a red giant, the entirety of earth will be singed to a crisp, along with the whole of humanity…
It may also be asked, what about the reproduction of stars? When a star is in its final stage of life, it could either turn into a neutron star, black hole, or “go supernova”. These things don’t necessarily have finite endings- all they do is attract more clouds of gas and dust, spin really fast, and then make more stars.
There is a reason why supernovae are also called “stellar nurseries”:
So how can one claim that most things seem to have an end, when stars keep on going supernova, when matter keeps on recycling, when planets that harvest potential intelligent lifeforms keep being created?
There is a stage in the life cycle of a star called the “black dwarf” stage.
Eventually, all stars will reach this stage. It is a stage of darkness, where the star does not emit light…it is a stage of death, the finite ending to every star’s life.
With this knowledge, we can theorize that once all stars turn into black dwarves, there will be no more light in the universe, no more matter to be recycled, no more planets to harvest intelligent lifeforms, there will be no more time…only a vast array of darkness, stillness, and nothingness.
That seems like a gloomy end to our beloved universe- right?
But what if there is something we can’t see right now? What if there is hope amidst the ultimate death of all things we have come to know and love?
I am here to tell you that there is a possibility of a hope, a light beyond that which we see.
In Christianity, it is claimed that Jesus of Nazareth rose from the dead, and resurrected.
According to our laws of physics, it is impossible for something to die or be abolished, and then go back to its original state before death. In order to fathom that type of scenario, we would have to say that the object in question died, went back in time, and came back the same as it was before it died.
However, time travel is virtually impossible as well. So how can the pinnacle of Christianity, the resurrection of Jesus, be believed by almost 2 billion people, if it is something that is scientifically impossible? Are these 2 billion people just ignorant of the simple laws of science, or do they not want to think logically but follow a crowd blindly?
Perhaps. But perhaps not, also.
What if we could scientifically prove the resurrection- that is the rising from the dead- of a man who lived over two thousand years ago not only historically, but scientifically?
It seems that in order to prove this scientifically, we actually have to remove all previous knowledge of science…we have to abolish our knowledge of the laws of nature, because clearly, something may have occurred that transcends our understanding and our current way of understanding the universe. So, the only way to understand, is to forget everything…
“Entropy turned around. The Second Law Defeated.”
Entropy is the universal law of disorder. Here is an analogy for it:
Imagine you have a bag of red and blue marbles that you dump onto the floor. The law of entropy states that the marbles are more likely to arrange in a disorganized pattern of randomness, rather than collect together to form an organized, color coded line.
Or, imagine you are dropping bricks onto the ground. Entropy states that the bricks are more likely to fall in a disorganized pattern than to fall perfectly on top of each other:
The quote “Entropy turned around. The Second Law Defeated.” comes from Isabel Piczek’s research regarding the “Shroud of Turin”.
Isabel Piczek was a theoretical physicist and ecclesiastical artist. She was most well known for her claims about the burial cloth of Jesus of Nazareth, most well known as the “Shroud of Turin”. (Even though there is controversy as to whether the shroud is actually Jesus’s burial cloth or not, the ideas that Isabel presents can still be applicable to any burial cloth.)
This is the Shroud of Turin:
According to Isabel, there are five revealing signs in the Shroud that indicate special scientific conditions that seem to directly contradict certain laws of nature. These five “signs” indicate the burial of Jesus to be in a closed isolated system, where there was no trace of gravity. They also “tell us that the INTERFACE indicated is not an ordinary Interface.” – meaning that this was not an ordinary system that has ever been studied before in science. This is a situation in which an “EVENT HORIZON…blocks every communication between the two sides of the Image.”
What Isabel is claiming here, is that the burial shroud that encompassed the body of Jesus after he was crucified, was actually a means for a significant and otherworldly and impossible event to occur.
What she is claiming is that inside the tomb that Jesus’s body was placed, there occurred a seemingly impossible event…that can be theoretically and scientifically proved through aspects of theoretical and astronomical physics.
This event was the resurrection of Jesus, and the scientific proof can be found in our knowledge of the “event horizon” of black holes.
“Everybody thinks that the tomb signifies death. Not at all, the exact opposite. The shroud in the tomb signifies an unbelievable beginning, because in the depths of the collapsed event horizon, there is something which science knows as ‘singularity’. This is exactly what started the universe in the ‘Big Bang’. We have nothing less in the tomb of Christ than the beginning of a new universe.”
-Isabel Piczek (1927-2016)
Thank you so much for reading.
God bless, and Godspeed.