Dr. Tanya Furman

headshot of Dr. furmanDr. Tanya Furman

Professor of Geosciences

Department:  Geosciences
College:  Earth and Mineral Sciences
Address:  333 Deike Building
Phone:  814-863-1864
E-mail:  tfl3@psu.edu
Website:  http://www.geosc.psu.edu/academic-faculty/furman-tanya

Geochemistry and Volcanology
My students and I work to understand magmatic and volcanic processes through collection and analysis of geochemical data from rock samples and individual minerals. We strive to link this geochemical and mineralogical evidence from erupted lavas to large-scale tectonic processes of mantle plume upwelling, continental rifting and plate convergence. Most of our current efforts focus on active volcanic regions in south-central Turkey and East Africa. New student projects would involve data acquisition and interpretation in partnership with doctoral candidates, with the opportunity to develop one’s own research emphasis for eventual publication. Please contact Dr. Tanya Furman for further information.