Dr. Peter LaFemina

headshot of dr. feminaDr. Peter LaFemina

Associate Professor of Geosciences

Department:  Geosciences
College:  College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
Address:  406 Deike Bldg
Phone:  814-865-7326
E-mail:  pcl11@psu.edu
Website:  http://www.geosc.psu.edu/academic-faculty/lafemina-peter

Penn State Geodesy and Volcanology Lab
The Penn State Geodesy and Volcanology Lab seeks to understand active plate tectonic and magmatic processes through collection and analysis of space (GPS and InSAR) and terrestrial (ground based LiDAR; photogrammetry) geodetic data, as well as, other geologic and geophysical data sets. Currently the lab is investigating plate boundary deformation and magma-tectonic processes in Iceland, Central America and South America. Projects include investigation of seismogenesis along the Central American and South American convergent margins, including upper plate deformation, the control of magmatic systems on plate spreading in southern Iceland, including studies of short-term volcano deformation cycles, and geophysical monitoring of active volcanoes in Nicaragua. Please contact Dr. Peter LaFemina for further information.